
Rebeca Rios-Kohn

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Like the heroine in this novel, the author Rebeca Rios-Kohn was born in Uruguay and is also a lawyer by profession and trained in the United States. She has dedicated most of her life to advocating for children?s rights and promoting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Her career with UNICEF and other United Nations agencies spans over twenty-five years, where she held senior-level positions. For the past three decades, she has worked in more than thirty countries, combating a wide range of children?s rights violations. While working for the UN, she published a number of articles for law journals and coauthored Protecting the World?s Children, a UNICEF publication. This is her debut novel and a total work of fiction although inspired by real-life experiences. The author lives in Sag Harbor, New York, and travels frequently to Uruguay and France to visit her extended family.

