Lenora Palminteri
My name is Isabelle Olivia De Luca. I was born in September of 1948 to parents of Italian-American descent. I am currently enjoying retirement from government service since 2009. I have one grown son, who is still single, and resides in Long Island. I do hope that he finds his soulmate while I am still ?a resident of the planet earth?! (LOL!) I have one younger sibling who is also single, and lives in Queens. I currently share my apartment in Upstate New York with my two female Chihuahuas. (As you can tell, I gave my pet my sister?s middle name.) I graduated from high school in 1967. If I had a chance ?to do it all over again?, I would have attended college. I have taken some computer courses in the past, as well as some job-related classes. I consider myself to be a very generous person, with a good heart. My motto is ?if I have it, it is yours?! Unfortunately, some tend to confuse kindness with foolishness, and have taken advantage of my ?good nature?! I love and respect all animals, and cannot fathom animal abuse of any kind! This is my first book, and as you can tell, I was not lying when I mention ?I did everything late in my life?!