Do More Than Give: The Six Practices of Donors Who Change the World
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More About This Title Do More Than Give: The Six Practices of Donors Who Change the World


How donors change the world through the six catalytic practices of high-impact philanthropy

Do More Than Give provides a blueprint for individuals, philanthropists, and foundation leaders to increase their impact. Based on Forces for Good, this groundbreaking book demonstrates how the six practices of high-impact nonprofits apply to donors aiming to advance social causes. Rather than focus on the mechanics of effective grantmaking, reporting, or evaluation, this book instead proposes that donors can become proactive catalysts for change by rising to meet the challenges of our increasingly interdependent world. Key principles include: going beyond check writing/traditional volunteering; advocating for change; leveraging business; forging peer networks; empowering individuals; leading adaptively; and developing learning organizations.

  • Contains robust case studies depicting every type of philanthropy (corporate, community, operating, specialized, and large private and family foundations)
  • Includes easy to use "Key Takeaways" tailored for donors at the "beginner" and "experienced" levels of catalytic philanthropy
  • Authors are internationally-acclaimed philanthropic, nonprofit, and corporate social responsibility strategy experts who frequently speak and train on high-impact philanthropy

In good economic times or bad, this book provides guidance for givers to increase the impact of their charitable resources and go beyond check-writing to help solve problems and change the world.


Leslie R. Crutchfield is an author and a leading authority on scaling social innovation and high-impact philanthropy. She is a senior advisor at FSG, a nonprofit consulting firm specializing in social sector strategy, evaluation, and research. Her previous book, Forces for Good, was recognized in The Economist on its annual list of Top Business Books.

John V. Kania is a managing director at FSG who oversees the firm's consulting practice. John is a featured author of the book Learning from the Future, and he has been published in Stanford Social Innovation Review and the Wall Street Journal. He is a former partner of both Mercer Management Consulting and Corporate Decisions, Inc.

Mark R. Kramer is cofounder and a managing director at FSG, cofounder of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, and a Senior Fellow at Harvard University. Mark speaks and writes extensively on topics in philanthropy and corporate responsibility, and has been published in Harvard Business Review and Stanford Social Innovation Review.
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Preface vii

Acknowledgments xi

The Authors xv

1 Catalytic Philanthropy 1

2 Commit to Your Cause 19

3 Practice 1: Advocate for Change 37

4 Practice 2: Blend Profit with Purpose 63

5 Practice 3: Forge Nonprofit Peer Networks 87

6 Practice 4: Empower the People 119

7 Practice 5: Lead Adaptively 143

8 Practice 6: Learn in Order to Change 165

9 Toward a More Catalytic Future 185

Appendix A: Research Methodology 191

Appendix B: Peer Survey Questions 199

Appendix C: Research Advisors 203

Appendix D: Review of the Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits in Forces for Good 205

Appendix E: Getting Started with Catalytic

Philanthropy 211

Notes 227

Index 239


This how-to book examines the modern role of philanthropy, moving from merely "giving away money" to becoming "active participants in the business of solving social and environmental problems." The authors examine six practices donors can undertake to change the world, an admirable goal, but much of their message gets lost in muddy jargon: "it is useful to think of collaboration as a spectrum of activity that ranges from loose coordination and informal information sharing to intense, focused collective impact campaigns" (see Figure 5.1). The message itself, and the book's organization, however, are right on the money. Each chapter concludes with a summary of key principles covered and includes reminders of important points. Some of their real-life examples are especially illustrative, such as the story about a San Diego foundation that asked residents what they hoped for in their community and used funds to create an environment tailored to those desires and needs. Also fascinating is their look at "adaptive leaders" who learn to influence beyond their control, take on a higher profile, and engage with media, a type of leadership the authors endorse but warn is "not for the timid...power hungry." (Mar.) (Publishers Weekly, April 11, 2011)