Saving Higher Education
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Praise for Saving Higher Education

"At last a book that answers one of higher education's most burning questions: How do we provide America a cheaper, faster undergraduate experience without cheating on the old family recipe and compromising standards? At a time when challenges of college value, quality, and mission are high on the public agenda and an unprecedented number of institutions are exploring three-year degree programs, we are provided a road map that maintains academic integrity by focusing on learning outcomes rather than process inputs. Bravo and about time. This book will add value and inform the thinking of all stakeholders, even the most skeptical of faculty. A three-year baccalaureate aligns the academy with the needs and aspirations of the future. While enhancing effectiveness, it affords students what they want and need while meeting the national agenda for socially and economically productive citizens."—Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, president emeritus and University Professor of Public Service, George Washington University

"This book provides a powerful model of how to redesign a university in the interests of student learning. The authors' proposed curriculum model addresses many of the fundamental dysfunctions of higher education—the fragmentation, incoherence, and unfocused activity that produces the dispiriting results of our enormous investment. They offer an evidence-based framework for reshaping our institutions to serve the goals we all wish to achieve while beginning to address the pervasive financial challenges that undermine our efforts. This book provides a vivid and stimulating analysis of how to think about and execute constructive change. Anyone concerned about the future of higher education should read it and learn from it."—John Tagg, professor emeritus, Palomar College, and author, The Learning Paradigm College

"This book offers one thoughtful approach to a high-quality education at a significantly lower cost. If educators respond, students will win." —Margaret L. Drugovich, president, Hartwick College


Martin J. Bradley is a professor of organizational leadership at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). He was the first director of the three-year program and then the dean of the SNHU School of Business, where the program resides administratively, and has taught in the program since its inception.

Robert H. Seidman is a professor of computer information technology at Southern New Hampshire University and executive editor of the Journal of Educational Computing Research. He was a member of the grant team that created the three-year degree program at SNHU and has taught in the program since its inception, as well as being a member of the three-year degree steering committee.

Steven R. Painchaud is a professor of organizational leadership at Southern New Hampshire University. He is a long-standing member of the three-year degree steering committee and has taught in the program since its inception.


List of Tables and Figures vii

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xvii

About the Authors xix

1. The Need for Change: Why Some Institutions Will Embrace New Pathways to the Bachelor’s Degree 1

2. Core Components of Integrated Three-Year Programs 23

3. Curriculum Reformulation: Courses into Modules 45

4. The Case for an Integrated Three-Year Model 63

5. Results, Analysis, and Proof of Concept 81

6. Value-Added Dimensions of Integrated Three-Year Degrees 103

7. Comparing Three-Year Degree Models 127

8. Stakeholders’ Questions and Answers 139

9. The Three-Year University 151

Appendix A: Colleges and Universities Offering Three-Year-Degree Programs 165

Appendix B: National Graduation and Retention Statistics 167

Appendix C: Academic Plan for Three-Year Communications Module 169

Appendix D: Academic Plan for Three-Year Management Module 175

Appendix E: Model Syllabus for Three-Year Human Relations Module 185

Appendix F: Flowchart of the Three-Year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Development Activities 195

Appendix G: The SNHU Three-Year Program Mission Statement 197

References 201

Index 211

Additional Resources (available at

Appendix 1: Sample Data Collection Course Form - Course Topics/Learning Outcomes by Program-Level Competencies

Appendix 2: Sample Tabulation of Topics/Learning Outcomes by Course and Program Competencies

Appendix 3: Sample Meta-analysis of Course Topics/Learning Outcomes by Program Competencies and Distribution

Appendix 4: Examples of SNHU Yearlong Integrating Experience Projects

Appendix 5: Comparison of Results of the ETS Major Field Test in Business Administration


“While the central focus of the book is on the three-year baccalaureate degree, one of its major strengths is a highly focused, research-based discussion of innovative approaches to curriculum and program design. These innovations, such as competency-driven curricula, collaborative learning, and course management systems, hold promise for improving both efficiency and quality. For example, applying the technique shown in the book for identifying duplication among courses and treating curriculum as an interconnected system for facilitating the attainment of program competencies could likely bring significant benefits for many postsecondary institutions and their students. Owing to the strength of such contributions, this book would be of value not just to those who may be interested in the adoption of three-year baccalaureate degrees, but to others with broader interests in the reform of education in universities and colleges.” —Michael L. Skolnik, OISE, University of Toronto, for the Canadian Journal of Higher Education (Revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur), Volume 42, No. 3"At last a book that answers one of higher education's most burning questions: How do we provide America a cheaper, faster undergraduate experience without cheating on the old family recipe and compromising standards? At a time when challenges of college value, quality, and mission are high on the public agenda and an unprecedented number of institutions are exploring three-year degree programs, we are provided a road map that maintains academic integrity by focusing on learning outcomes rather than process inputs. Bravo and about time. This book will add value and inform the thinking of all stakeholders, even the most skeptical of faculty. A three-year baccalaureate aligns the academy with the needs and aspirations of the future. While enhancing effectiveness, it affords students what they want and need while meeting the national agenda for socially and economically productive citizens."—Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, president emeritus and University Professor of Public Service, George Washington University

"This book provides a powerful model of how to redesign a university in the interests of student learning. The authors' proposed curriculum model addresses many of the fundamental dysfunctions of higher education—the fragmentation, incoherence, and unfocused activity that produces the dispiriting results of our enormous investment. They offer an evidence-based framework for reshaping our institutions to serve the goals we all wish to achieve while beginning to address the pervasive financial challenges that undermine our efforts. This book provides a vivid and stimulating analysis of how to think about and execute constructive change. Anyone concerned about the future of higher education should read it and learn from it."—John Tagg, professor emeritus, Palomar College, and author, The Learning Paradigm College

"This book offers one thoughtful approach to a high-quality education at a significantly lower cost. If educators respond, students will win."—Margaret L. Drugovich, president, Hartwick College 
