The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Theoretical Approaches, EmpiricalFindings, and Treatments
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More About This Title The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Theoretical Approaches, EmpiricalFindings, and Treatments


The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the definitive resource for empirically sound information on narcissism for researchers, students, and clinicians at a time when this personality disorder has become a particularly relevant area of interest. This unique work deepens understanding of how narcissistic behavior influences behavior and impedes progress in the worlds of work, relationships, and politics.


W. Keith Campbell, Department Head and Professor of Psychology, University of Georgia, is the author of more than 90 scientific journal articles and book chapters, including over 30 on narcissism. He is the author of two books, The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement (Free Press, 2009; with Jean Twenge), and When You Love a Man Who Loves Himself: How to Deal with a One-way Relationship (Sourcebooks, 2005). He has served on the editorial boards for several scholarly journals and his work has appeared in USA Today, Newsweek, Time, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Joshua D. Miller, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Georgia, has written over 70 scientific journal articles and book chapters, most of which address the topic of personality and personality disorders. He is an associate editor at the Journal of Personality and is on the editorial board of a number of journals focused on personality, psychopathology, and assessment.


Introduction xi
W. Keith Campbell and Joshua D. Miller

List of Contributors xiii

Section I Narcissism and NPD: Constructs and Models 1

Chapter 1 A Historical Review of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality 3
Kenneth N. Levy, William D. Ellison, and Joseph S. Reynoso

Chapter 2 Narcissism in the DSM 14
Elizabeth K. Reynolds and C. W. Lejuez

Chapter 3 Narcissism in Official Psychiatric Classification Systems: Toward DSM-5 22
Susan C. South, Nicholas R. Eaton, and Robert F. Krueger

Chapter 4 Narcissistic Grandiosity and Narcissistic Vulnerability 31
Aaron L. Pincus and Michael J. Roche

Chapter 5 Psychoanalytic Theories on Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality 41
Elsa Ronningstam

Chapter 6 Narcissism From the Perspective of the Dynamic Self- Regulatory Processing Model 56
Carolyn C. Morf, Loredana Torchetti, and Eva Schürch

Chapter 7 Trait Personality Models of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Grandiose Narcissism, and Vulnerable Narcissism 71
Joshua D. Miller and Jessica Maples

Chapter 8 Narcissism, the Agency Model, and Approach- Avoidance Motivation 89
Joshua D. Foster and James C. Brennan

Chapter 9 Behind the Mask: Narcissism and Implicit Self-Esteem 101
Virgil Zeigler-Hill and Christian H. Jordan

Section II Assessment of Narcissism and NPD 117

Chapter 10 Assessment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder 119
Chris Watson and R. Michael Bagby

Chapter 11 The Measurement of Trait Narcissism in Social- Personality Research 133
Michael Tamborski and Ryan P. Brown

Chapter 12 Of Tails and Their Dogs: A Critical View of the Measurement of Trait Narcissism in Social- Personality Research 141
Ryan P. Brown and Michael Tamborski

Chapter 13 Addressing Criticisms of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) 146
Joshua D. Miller and W. Keith Campbell

Chapter 14 Assessment of Youth Narcissism 153
Christopher T. Barry and Lisa L. Ansel

Section III Epidemiology and Etiology of Narcissism and NPD 165

Chapter 15 Sociodemographic Correlates of DSM- IV Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Results From the Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) 167
Attila J. Pulay, Rise B. Goldstein, and Bridget F. Grant

Chapter 16 Parenting as a Cause of Narcissism: Empirical Support for Psychodynamic and Social Learning Theories 181
Robert S. Horton

Chapter 17 Examining “Developmental Me”: A Review of Narcissism as a Life Span Construct 191
Patrick L. Hill and Brent W. Roberts

Chapter 18 Narcissism and Culture 202
Jean M. Twenge

Chapter 19 The Intertwined Evolution of Narcissism and Short- Term Mating: An Emerging Hypothesis 210
Nicholas S. Holtzman and Michael J. Strube

Chapter 20 Neurophysiological Correlates of Narcissism and Psychopathy 221
Elizabeth A. Krusemark

Section IV Comorbidity and Correlates 237

Chapter 21 Comorbidity Between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Axis I Diagnoses 239
Sebastian Simonsen and Erik Simonsen

Chapter 22 The Comorbidity of Narcissistic Personality Disorder With Other DSM- IV Personality Disorders 248
Thomas A. Widiger

Chapter 23 “I Love Me Some Me”: Examining the Links Between Narcissism and Self-Esteem 261
Jennifer K. Bosson and Jonathan R. Weaver

Chapter 24 Psychopathy and Narcissism 272
Donald R. Lynam

Section V Intra- and Interpersonal Processes 283

Chapter 25 Getting to Know a Narcissist Inside and Out 285
Erika N. Carlson, Laura P. Naumann, and Simine Vazire

Chapter 26 Self- Other Discrepancies 300
Thomas F. Oltmanns and Erin M. Lawton

Chapter 27 Narcissistic Self-Enhancement 309
Harry M. Wallace

Chapter 28 When the Narcissistic Ego Deflates, Narcissistic Aggression Inflates 319
Brad J. Bushman and Sander Thomaes

Chapter 29 The Emotional Dynamics of Narcissism: Inflated by Pride, Deflated by Shame 330
Jessica L. Tracy, Joey T. Cheng, Jason P. Martens, and Richard W. Robins

Chapter 30 Narcissism and Romantic Relationships: Understanding the Paradox 344
Amy B. Brunell and W. Keith Campbell

Chapter 31 Narcissism and Sexuality 351
Laura Widman and James K. McNulty

Chapter 32 Narcissism and Social Networks 360
Allan Clifton

Chapter 33 Narcissism and the World Wide Web 371
Laura E. Buffardi

Chapter 34 Narcissism and Brand Name Consumerism 382
Constantine Sedikides, Sylwia Cisek, and Claire M. Hart

Chapter 35 Leadership 393
Robert Hogan and James Fico

Chapter 36 Celebrity and Narcissism 403
Brittany Gentile

Chapter 37 Narcissism and Spirituality 410
Steven J. Sandage and Shane P. Moe

Section VI Treatment 421

Chapter 38 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Narcissistic Personality 423
Diana Diamond, Frank Yeomans, and Kenneth N. Levy

Chapter 39 Attachment Theory and Narcissistic Personality Disorder 434
Björn Meyer and Paul A. Pilkonis

Chapter 40 Schema Therapy for Narcissism: The Art of Empathic Confrontation, Limit- Setting, and Leverage 445
Wendy T. Behary and Eva Dieckmann

Chapter 41 Cognitive Behavioral Approaches to the Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder 457
Kelly C. Cukrowicz, Erin K. Poindexter, and Thomas E. Joiner, Jr.

Chapter 42 Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms in a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Framework: A Discussion and Case Example 466
Bonney Reed- Knight and Sarah Fischer

Chapter 43 Treating Narcissus: A Basic Research Perspective 476
Sander Thomaes and Brad J. Bushman

Conclusion Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Six Suggestions for Unifying the Field 485
W. Keith Campbell and Joshua D. Miller

About the Editors 489

Author Index 491

Subject Index 505
