The Association Guide to Going Global: New Strategies for a Changing Economic Landscape
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More About This Title The Association Guide to Going Global: New Strategies for a Changing Economic Landscape


Why going global is critical-and inevitable-for your association's growth and survival

Multiple case studies of associations that have entered the global arena will be included. The Association Guide to Going Global demonstrates how many associations have used globalization to their advantage, finding that increasing their reach and influence on an international scale has allowed their organizations continued success.

  • Underscores how the advantages of changes outweigh the risks
  • How adapting to new market trends is an act that cannot, and should not, be avoided
  • Offers a problem-solution guide to potentially intimidating questions about the process
  • Explains how small associations may often have an advantage over large corporations due to flexibility
  • Coverage features topics including an overview of problems encountered, structure, funding/financing, language and culture, endeavors in specific countries, successes and failures, and what it means to truly become global.

Avoid mistakes made by other organizations by going global and ultimately following the paths of those who accomplished their goals.


STEVEN M. WORTH is President of Plexus Consulting Group, LLC and has extensive experience in assisting businesses, governments, and associations with their public affairs, government relations, and strategic planning needs. He also created the Association International Market Development (AIMD) and is the author of The Power of Partnership, a book examining the best practices of organizations in forming strategic partnerships.


Foreword by Virgil R. Carter.


Chapter 1 Why Go Global?

Long-Term Implication of Current Trends.

Leading the Way in a Flattened World.

The Rise of SMEs in the Global Arena.

Opportunities in the Face of Declining Membership: How to Survive When Dealing with Industry Consolidation.

Outwit, Outplay, Outlast: Today's Associations Need Creativity, Imagination, and a New Focus to Survive.

Putting the Market in the Driver's Seat.

Is a Global Strategy Beyond Your Means?

Associations Could Profit from Global Opportunities.

Assisting Countries in Need With Associations' Missions.

Making the Case to Go Global.

Rising to the Challenge.

Chapter 2 Common Problems in the Global Arena.

Globalization in the New Millennium.

Cross-Border Collaboration: Sell Successfully Overseas by Learning the Local Needs.

Global Localization.

Sorting Out What Is Global from What Is Local.

Chapter 3 The Structure of the Globalized Association.

A Regional Development Strategy.

Buy-in Through Collaboration.

Bigger May Not be Better for Associations Planning to Go Global.

Strategic Alliances and Sister Companies.

Regional Structure, Board Members, and Localization.

What Is Fair in a Global Democratic Governance Structure?

Leadership in a Consensus-Based Environment.

Chapter 4 Funding and Financing.

Sources of Income.

Mixed Signals on Globalization.

The Globalization Dilemma.

Moving from Corporate Sponsorship to Corporate Partnership.

Chapter 5 Language and Culture.

Cross-Cultural Deal Making: Don't Take "Yes" for an Answer!

Language and Policies Relating to Languages.

Guarding Your Intellectual Property Rights.

Should Your Brand Be Scrubbed Clean of Any Cultural Bias?

Foreign Representatives.

Term Limits.

Flexibility and the Ability to Make Mistakes.

Being True to Your Word.

When in Rome.

The Tug of War between Local and Global.

Chapter 6 Endeavors in Specific Countries.

Global Strategies Begin with Research.

Entering the Chinese Market.

Succeeding in India.

Special Challenges in Transatlantic Relations.

Following the Flag.

Relative Merits of These Markets.

The Fee-for-Service Model Migration.

Chapter 7 Successes and Failures: Key Ingredients to GlobalizationSuccess.

Action Plans for Globalization Success.

A Look at Four Options.

Costs versus Benefits of Each Model in Four Overseas Market Categories.

Chapter 8 Final Thoughts on Truly Becoming “Global”.

Globalization Is Survival: Becoming Global as an Antidote to Stagnant or Declining Markets.

Globalization Is a New Opportunity: Becoming Global Is Not Just for the Wealthy.

Globalization Is a Tidal Force: Doing Well by Doing Good.

Globalization Is Outreach: Communities of Common Interest.

Doing Well by Doing Good—Continued.

About the Author.



"The book takes associations from concept to carry-through in terms of setting a plan for going global., covering topics including defining what globalization will do for the association, pros and cons of going global, structure models, partnering and classifying international markets." (USAE Community Newspaper, 8/17/10)