A Guide to Faculty Development, Second Edition
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  • Wiley

More About This Title A Guide to Faculty Development, Second Edition


Since the first edition of A Guide to Faculty Development was published in 2002, the dynamic field of educational and faculty development has undergone many changes. Prepared under the auspices of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), this thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded edition offers a fundamental resource for faculty developers, as well as for faculty and administrators interested in promoting and sustaining faculty development within their institutions. This essential book offers an introduction to the topic, includes twenty-three chapters by leading experts in the field, and provides the most relevant information on a range of faculty development topics including establishing and sustaining a faculty development program; the key issues of assessment, diversity, and technology; and faculty development across institutional types, career stages, and organizations.

"This volume contains the gallant story of the emergence of a movement to sustain the vitality of college and university faculty in difficult times. This practical guide draws on the best minds shaping the field, the most productive experience, and elicits the imagination required to reenvision a dynamic future for learning societies in a global context."
R. Eugene Rice, senior scholar, Association of American Colleges and Universities

"Across the country, people in higher education are thinking about how to prepare our graduates for a rapidly changing world while supporting our faculty colleagues who grew up in a very different world. Faculty members, academic administrators, and policymakers alike will learn a great deal from this volume about how to put together a successful faculty development program and create a supportive environment for learning in challenging times."
Judith A. Ramaley, president, Winona State University

"This is the book on faculty development in higher education. Everyone involved in faculty development—including provosts, deans, department chairs, faculty, and teaching center staff—will learn from the extensive research and the practical wisdom in the Guide."
Peter Felten, president, The POD Network (2010–2011), and director, Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, Elon University


Kay J. Gillespie is professor emerita at Colorado State University and an independent higher education consultant. She has been involved in faculty development for more than thirty years. She served on The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) Core Committee, and was president of the organization in 1998-99. She was lead editor of the first edition of this title.

Douglas L. Robertson is dean of undergraduate education and professor of higher education at Florida International University. He has been involved in promoting innovation in U.S. higher education for more than thirty years and has over twenty years of administrative experience in undergraduate and graduate education. He is chair of The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education Publications Committee, as well as a member of the POD Core Committee. He has authored or coedited six books, including Making Time, Making Change: Avoiding Overload in College Teaching (New Forums Press, 2003) and Self-Directed Growth (Brunner-Routledge, 1988).


Preface ix

About the Authors xiii

Part One Establishing and Sustaining a Faculty Development Program

1. Overview of Faculty Development: History and Choices 3
Mathew L. Ouellett

2. Program Types and Prototypes 21
Virginia S. Lee

3. Establishing an Educational Development Program 35
Douglas L. Robertson

4. Working with a Faculty Development Committee 53
Kim M. Mooney

5. Listen, Learn, Lead: Getting Started in Faculty Development 67
Margaret W. Cohen

6. Important Skills and Knowledge 83
Todd D. Zakrajsek

7. Promoting Your Program and Grounding It in the Institution 99
Ed Neal and Iola Peed-Neal

8. Practical Suggestions for Programs and Activities 117
Donna E. Ellis and Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens

Part Two Key Priorities in Faculty Development: Assessment, Diversity, and Technology

9. Program Assessment for Faculty Development 135
Kathryn M. Plank and Alan Kalish

10. Assessing Teaching Practices and Effectiveness for Formative Purposes 151
Michael Theall and Jennifer L. Franklin

11. Assessment Practices Related to Student Learning: Transformative Assessment 169
Catherine M. Wehlburg

12. Overview of Diversity Issues Relating to Faculty Development 185
Mathew L. Ouellett

13. Conceptualizing, Designing, and Implementing Multicultural Faculty Development Activities 203
Christine A. Stanley

14. Working with Underrepresented Faculty 225
Franklin Tuitt

15. International Faculty Development: Pursuing Our Work with Colleagues Around the World 243
Nancy Van Note Chism, David Gosling, and Mary Deane Sorcinelli

16. Issues in Technology and Faculty Development 259
Sally Kuhlenschmidt

Part Three Faculty Development Across Institutional Types, Career Stages, and Organizations

17. Effective Practices at Research Universities: The Productive Pairing of Research and Teaching 277
Constance Ewing Cook and Michele Marincovich

18. Effective Practices in the Context of Small Colleges 293
Michael Reder

19. Faculty Development in the Context of the Community College 309
Helen Burnstad and Cynthia J. Hoss

20. Graduate and Professional Student Development Programs 327
Laura L. B. Border and Linda M. von Hoene

21. Working with Adjunct Faculty Members 347
Terri A. Tarr

22. Supporting Faculty Members Across Their Careers 363
Ann E. Austin

23. Organizational Development 379
Kay J. Gillespie

Afterword by William H. Bergquist 397

Epilogue 419

Name Index 421

Subject Index 429
