Content Area Literacy: A Framework for Reading-Bassed Instruction Fifth Edition
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More About This Title Content Area Literacy: A Framework for Reading-Bassed Instruction Fifth Edition


Content Area Literacy introduces teachers to the reasons for and means of promoting basic and higher-order literacy across the disciplines. The fifth edition has been updated to reflect new research, methods, data, and national trends relative to the field. It includes new aids that offer guidelines for reading actively, highlighting important material, and making personal marginal notes. Key standards are also integrated throughout the methods chapters and an appendix of the Standards of 6-8 major Professional Associations has been added. Teachers will gain a strong understanding of practical and user-friendly methods.


Anthony V. Manzo is a very visible and respected researcher and scholar in education. Sometimes spoken of as "the person who discovered the 'cure' for comprehension deficits," Manzo pioneered the concepts of "mental modeling" and "reciprocal teaching"- two of the most generative and enduring ideas in pedagogy in the 20th century. He has written several books and many juried articles. Tony has also created several teacher-friendly instruments to aid in the assessment of thinking, reader styles, and social-emotional development. In 1993 he was granted the International Reading Association's Wm. S. Gray Citation of Merit, its highest award for lifetime creative research and problem-solving in the field.


SECTION I: Foundations of Content Area Literacy

Chapter 1 Content Area Literacy: Why and What Teachers Should Know

One Who Is Learning

Backstory: From Content Area Reading to Content Area Literacy

Reading-to-Learn: Whose Job Is It?

Content Area Literacy: A Schoolwide Goal

Listen-Read-Discuss: A Teacher-Friendly CAL Method

Concept Summary

Chapter 2 The Science of Reading-to-Learn

The Scientific Study of Reading

Difficulty Levels of Reading: Independent, Instructional, Frustration

The Reading Process: Five Eras of Theory

Classroom Examples of Theory

A Metaphor for the Study-Reading Process

Theory into Practice: CAL Methods

The Oral Reading Strategy: A Straightforward "How-To" Method

Concept Summary

Chapter 3 A Framework for Reading-Based Instruction in the Interactive Classroom

The More Things Change

A Framework for Reading-Based Instruction in the Interactive Classroom


A Quick Word About Writingin the Reading Framework

Concept Summary

SECTION II: Putting Wings Under Reading and Learning from Text and Media

Chapter 4 Methods for Prereading Schema Activation

Importance of Prereading

Goals of Prereading Instruction: Reader Engagement, Schema Activation, and Purposeful Inquiry

Mental Modeling: A Form of Apprenticeship Training

Prereading Methods for Reader Engagement, Schema Activation, and Purposeful Inquiry

Concept Summary

Chapter 5 Through—Methods for Guiding Silent Reading

Teaching Students to Think While They Read

Entering Strategy Instruction Through a Side Door

Techniques for Comprehension Monitoring and Fix-Up

Reading Guides

Built-In Guides

Text Structure: Historical Footnote and Lukewarm Support

Concept Summary

Chapter 6 Beyond—Methods for Postreading Schema Building

Class Discussion: What It Is and How to Get There

Teacher-Directed Recitation for Checking Comprehension

Peer Recitation for Increased Student Involvement

Bridging to Reflective Discussion and Applications

Full Circle to Discussion

Concept Summary

SECTION III: Complements to Content Area Reading: Vocabulary, Higher-Order Literacy, Writing to Learn, Assessment, and Study Techniques

Chapter 7 Methods for Vocabulary and Concept Development

What’s in a Name?

What We Know About Vocabulary Learning and Teaching

Methods for Prereading Vocabulary Introduction

Methods to Teach Word Meaning Prediction During Silent Reading and General Word Consciousness

Methods for Postreading and General Vocabulary Development

Concept Summary

Chapter 8 Beyond the Lines: Teaching for Critical and Creative Responses to Reading

Welcome to the 21st Century: Aiming Higher to Constructive Thinking

Critical Reading-Writing-Thinking: A Traditional and Evolving Goal

Writing-Based Methods for Guiding Critical-Constructive Reading

A Formula for Promoting Critical-Constructive Thinking

Critical-Constructive Techniques for a Rousing Discussion

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Chapter 9 Emergent Content Area Literacy

Emergent Content Area Literacy: How Early Elementary Teachers Can Better Prepare Children for Reading to Learn

Extending Emergent Literacy

Emergent Content Area Literacy Learning for Beginners

Nonprint ECAL Method

Print Records Important Information, and Wonder Releases It

Literature- and Theme-Based (Interdisciplinary) Explorations into Context, Concepts, and Vocabulary

Writing to Learn

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Chapter 10 Interactive Assessment for Active Self-Monitoring and Self-Teaching

Introduction to Student Assessment

Tools for Assessment of Student Reading

Evaluation of Student Writing

Portfolios: Rationale, Functions, Promise, Problems

Assessing Text Difficulty

Affective Issues and Measures

Concept Summary

Chapter 11 Study Techniques for Reading, Learning and Remembering

From Study Skills to Strategic Study

Methods for Improving Lecture Note Taking and Listening

Test-Taking Strategies

Concept Summary

SECTION IV: Content Area Applications: Provisions for Special Needs and the Schoolwide Literacy Program

Chapter 12 Discipline-Specific Applications

Distributed versus Universal Responsibility

English/Language Arts

Foreign Languages


Biological–Physical Sciences

Social Studies

Content Area Reading in the Support Subject Areas

Health and Physical Education

Vocational Technology

Art and Music

Encourage Creativity

Concept Summary

Chapter 13 Provisions for Special Literacy Needs of Adolescents

Special Literacy Needs Defined

Special Focus on Motivation

Special Focus on Inclusion

Special Focus on Personal-Social Adjustment Needs

Special Focus on Vocabulary

Special Focus on Classroom Discussion

Special Focus on Decoding

Special Focus on English Language Proficiency

Concept Summary

Chapter 14 Literacy Leadership in the Content Areas

Literacy Leadership: Prepare Now to Lead Later

Components of Content Area Literacy Programs


Roles and Responsibilities

Program Design

Staff Development

Program Evaluation

Concept Summary


Model Professional Portfolio Recorder and Planner


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