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More About This Title LEAPS Strategies with Jon Najarian
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Audiotaped live at Trading seminar. Learn powerful LEAPS strategies - from market maker, Jon "Dr. J" Najarian. LEAPS are option-like securities issued with expirations up to 3 years in the future, and they're one of the hottest investment vehicles around.
He covers:
- Using LEAPS to play fluctuations in market volatility
- Focusing on "in-the-money" LEAPS
- Playing long-term moves in leading market indexes with LEAPS
- Using LEAP puts for portfolio protection - and bear-market profits
- Controlling a stock with a zero-cost LEAP "collar." Najarian also reveals ...
- 3 key advantages of buying LEAPS instead of stocks
- 6 factors that determine an option's premiums
- The value of spreads vs. outright LEAP purchases - and more.
LEAPS Strategies with Jon Najarian
Learn powerful LEAPS strategies from market maker, Jon "Dr. J" Najarian.
LEAPS are option-like securities issued with expirations up to 3 years in the future, and they're one of the hottest investment vehicles around.
Najarian covers it all, including: buying LEAP calls as a substitute for stock ownership, purchasing LEAP puts for portfolio "insurance", applying LEAPS in spreading techniques, and using LEAPS in covered-call writing plays.
"Dr J" shares his insights and experiences for:
- Focusing on "in-the-money" LEAPS
- Playing long-term moves in leading market indexes with LEAPS
- Using LEAP puts for portfolio protection - and bear-market profits
- Controlling a stock with a zero-cost LEAP "collar."
Najarian also reveals:
- 3 key advantages of buying LEAPS instead of stocks
- 6 factors that determine an option's premiums
- The value of spreads vs. outright LEAP purchases - and more.
Whether you're getting started in LEAPS, or discovering new twists to applying them - Dr. J delivers the goods, and provides a rare peak into the inner workings of the CBOE and market maker operations. A great companion to Jon's best selling book, How I Trade Options.
- English
JON NAJARIAN is President of Mercury Trading Co. in Chicago, Illinois, one of the largest option specialist firms in the United States. He has traded on the Chicago Board Options Exchange since 1981 and is an active trader on and off the floor. He is also chairman of O. N. E. Financial News and has served on the board of the CBOE. He hosts a financial segment on FOX Morning News and is a frequent speaker at seminars nationwide.