Appillionaires - Secrets from Developers whoStruck it Rich on the App Store
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Appillionaires - Secrets from Developers whoStruck it Rich on the App Store


Turn your app ideas into a money-making goldmine

More than 10 billion apps have been downloaded from Apple's AppStore and with the right combination of original ideas, great features, solid coding, unique designs, and savvy marketing, your apps could be a part of that staggering number. This book shows you how to turn your ideas into profit-making success stories. Citing a fascinating array of real-world examples, this useful book invites you to meet the rich and famous of the app development world. You'll look behind the scenes of these successful visionaries to learn their secrets first hand and discover how these "bedroom coders" became overnight millionaires.

  • Serves as a must-have introduction to the fascinating, cutting-edge world of app design, where innovation reaps reward
  • Shows you how to structure your app development process based on the Appillionaires who made their fortune
  • Explores what works and what doesn't with regards to getting your app featured and enticing buyers
  • Looks at successful apps such as Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Fruit Ninja, and many others that have taken the app world by storm

If you were unaware of the potential to make money from selling your apps, then app-arently, you really need this book!


Chris Stevens (London) is a leading designer of iPad and iPhone software. He created the best-selling app, Alice for the iPad, and also designed Twitch Origins, the first four-player game for iPhone. He has worked for BBC television and CNET, producing cutting-edge multimedia. Formerly a technology columnist for The Daily Telegraph and The Times, Chris also presented and directed Space Bubble, a popular gadget show. Alongside his writing, Chris is an illustrator and film editor. He's worked for Warner Bros, EMAP, and Wired magazine.



Chapter 1: Introduction 3

Th ere’s Gold in Th em Hills 4

App Store Roulette 5

Challenges with the App Store 6

Th e App Community 8

Th e Siren Call 10

Why I Wrote Appillionaires 11

Where Will the Market Take Us? 11

Th e Band of Dreamers 14

Summary 15

Chapter 2: Th e Rise of the App 17

Apple’s False Start 18

Taking a Journey Back in Time 22

Finding a Carrier Was the Th ing 23

Summary 23

Chapter 3: A Bedroom Revolution 25

Birth of the App Store 25

What Apple Learned from the First Successful Apps 28

A Renaissance in Gaming 33

Summary 35

Chapter 4: Th e Gold Rush 37

A Taste of Success 37

Feeling the Appillionaire Buzz 39

Th e Fallacy of Easy Money 40

Summary 41

Chapter 5: Th e First Million 43

A Box of Delights 43

Th e Boy Genius 45

Th e Hacker Army Grows 47

Apps Invade by Stealth 49

Th e Bedroom Programmer Awakes 51

Summary 57


Chapter 6: Doodle Jump 61

Croatian Dreams 62

Bubblewrap 64

If at First You Don't Succeed . . . 67

Tic Tac Toe 69

A Hand-Built Look and Feel 72

Doodle Jump Is Born 74

Doodle Jump 2 Is Born 83

How Doodle Jump Changed Th eir Lives 87

Summary 90

Chapter 7: Harbor Master 91

Romancing the App 92

Harbor Master Is Born 95

Behind the Scenes 101

Summary 103

Chapter 8: Pocket God 105

A Basic Start 106

Dropping Out 107

Hardware Secrets 109

How to Play God 110

Th e Evolution of Pocket God 114

Th e Life and Times of Castelnuovo 116

Th e Public's Reaction 118

Luck Is Part of the Formula 119

Summary 120

Chapter 9: StickWars 123

Defending the Castle 124

A Life at Sea 129

Summary 131

Chapter 10: Angry Birds 133

A Global Hit 134

52nd Time Lucky 135

A Rich History of Flying Animals 139

Bigger than the iPhone 142

Setting the App Standard 145

Summary 146


Chapter 11: From Bedroom to Boardroom 151

A Golden Age 151

An Escape from Corporate Tyranny 152

Invasion of the Body Snatchers 159

Summary 162

Chapter 12: Life in the Trenches 165

An Expensive Game 166

Trust-Fund Fantasies 170

Feeding Time 176

A Wicked Game 178

A Special Time in History 184

Th e Patent Th reat 190

Summary 191

Chapter 13: Th e Future of the App 193

Th e Changing of the Guard 194

What Makes a Killer App? 195

Summary 199
