What Works in Offender Rehabilitation - AnEvidence-Based Approach to Assessment andTreatment
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  • Wiley

More About This Title What Works in Offender Rehabilitation - AnEvidence-Based Approach to Assessment andTreatment


This comprehensive volume summarizes the contemporary evidence base for offender assessment and rehabilitation, evaluating commonly used assessment frameworks and intervention strategies in a complete guide to best practice when working with a variety of offenders.

  • Presents an up-to-date  review of ‘what works’ in offer assessment and rehabilitation, along with discussion of contemporary attitudes and translating theory into practice
  • Includes assessment and treatment for different offender types across a range of settings
  • Internationally renowned contributors include James McGuire, James Bonta, Clive Hollin, Anthony Beech, Tony Ward, William Lindsay, Karl Hanson, Ray Novaco and William Marshall


Leam Craig is a Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist in private practice, and Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is the co-author of Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008), and a co-editor of the Wiley-Blackwell titles Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders (2009), Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities (2010), International Perspectives on the Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders (2011) and Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook (in press).

Louise Dixon is Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at the University of Birmingham, where she is Course Director of the Continued Professional Development route to the Doctorate in Forensic Psychology Practice. Louise's research interests centre on intimate partner violence, child maltreatment and aggression in groups, and she has published many articles and book chapters in these domains. Louise sits on the Editorial Board of several international journals including Child Maltreatment and the British Journal of Forensic Practice.

Theresa A. Gannon is Director of the Centre for Research and Education in Forensic Psychology (CORE-FP) and Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of Kent, UK. She is lead editor of the Wiley-Blackwell books Aggressive Offenders' Cognition (2007) and Female Sexual Offenders (2010), and is also the co-editor of Public Opinion and Criminal Justice (Willan, 2008) and Firesetting and Mental Health (RCPsych, 2012).


About the Editors vii

About the Contributors ix

Foreword xxi

Acknowledgements xxiii

Part I Introduction 1

1 Overview and Structure of the Book 3
Leam A. Craig, Louise Dixon and Theresa A. Gannon

2 ‘What Works’ to Reduce Re-offending: 18 Years On 20
James McGuire

3 Creating Ideological Space: Why Public Support for Rehabilitation Matters 50
Cheryl Lero Jonson, Francis T. Cullen and Jennifer L. Lux

Part II What Works in Offender Assessment 69

4 Applying the Risk–Need–Responsivity Principles to Offender Assessment 71
James Bonta and J. Stephen Wormith

5 What Works in Assessing Risk in Sexual and Violent Offenders 94
Leam A. Craig, Anthony R. Beech and Franca Cortoni

Part III What Works in Offender Rehabilitation 115

6 Efficacy of Correctional Cognitive Skills Programmes 117
Clive R. Hollin, Emma J. Palmer and Ruth M. Hatcher

7 What Works in Reducing Violent Re-offending in Psychopathic Offenders 129
Jenny Tew, Leigh Harkins and Louise Dixon

8 What Works for Personality-Disordered Offenders? 142
Vincent Egan

9 Interventions that Work to Stop Intimate Partner Violence 159
Josilyn Banks, Sheetal Kini and Julia Babcock

10 What Works in Reducing Sexual Offending 173
William L. Marshall, Liam E. Marshall, Geris A. Serran and Matt D. O’Brien

11 Evidence-Based Interventions for Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders 192
Charles M. Borduin, Alex R. Dopp and Erin K. Taylor

12 Reducing Anger-Related Offending: What Works 211
Raymond W. Novaco

13 What Works in Reducing Substance-Related Offending? 237
John R. Weekes, Andrea E. Moser, Michael Wheatley and Flora I. Matheson

14 What Works in Reducing Arson-Related Offending 255
Katarina Fritzon, Rebekah Doley and Fiona Clark

15 What Works with Female Sexual Offenders 271
Franca Cortoni and Theresa A. Gannon

16 What Works for Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities 285
William R. Lindsay and Amanda M. Michie

17 The Good Lives Model: Does It Work? Preliminary Evidence 305
Gwenda M. Willis and Tony Ward

Part IV What Works in Secure Settings 319

18 Treatment of People with Schizophrenia Who Behave Violently Towards Others: A Review of the Empirical Literature on Treatment Effectiveness 321
Nathan Kolla and Sheilagh Hodgins

19 Treating Offenders in a Therapeutic Community 340
Richard Shuker

20 Best Practice in SVP Treatment Programmes 359
David Thornton and Deirdre D’Orazio

Part V Cultural Factors and Individualized

Approaches to Offender Rehabilitation 387

21 The Role of Cultural Factors in Treatment 389
Jo Thakker

22 An Australasian Approach to Offender Rehabilitation 408
Andrew Day and Rachael M. Collie

23 Criminogenic Needs of Sexual Offenders on Community Supervision 421
R. Karl Hanson and Andrew J.R. Harris

24 Multi-agency Approaches to Effective Risk Management in the Community in England and Wales 436
Sarah Hilder and Hazel Kemshall

25 Group or Individual Therapy in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders 452
Geris A. Serran, William L. Marshall, Liam E. Marshall and Matt D. O’Brien

Index 468
