Frequently Asked Questions in Anti-Bribery andCorruption
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Frequently Asked Questions in Anti-Bribery andCorruption


A practical guide to addressing the challenges managers face in implementing and enforcing new anti-bribery regulations

The Bribery Act became the law of the land in July 2011. It abolished all existing U.K. anti-bribery laws and replaced them with a suite of new regulations decidedly different and more strenuous than what has come before. Under it companies found noncompliant will be open to billions in penalties and remediation costs, and managers will be open to prosecution if anyone associated with their company commits an offence covered by the act. As employees in nearly all departments will share responsibility for ensuring that adequate procedures are in place and enforced, there is a screaming need for practical, jargon-free guidance on the subject. This book fills that need. It arms managers and advisors with the knowledge and tools they need to implement, communicate and test controls and procedures that not only comply with but exceed the new anti-bribery requirements. It also offers priceless pointers on how to effectively react to bribery allegations if and when they occur.

  • Packed with takeaway tips and checklists that put crucial information at readers' fingertips
  • Written by a chartered accountant and compliance expert, the book offers practical steps managers should take to guarantee company compliance
  • Describes best practices in anti-bribery and corruption compliance in all key business areas, including accounting, sales and marketing, management, legal, and internal auditing


David Lawler specialises in resolving complex and high risk financial and investigative problems. His clients include international companies, SMEs, and individuals, many of whom are under investigation by regulators or prosecutors. An expert in using database and visualisation software to find needles in massive data haystacks, he has conducted in-country bribery investigations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe. He has helped companies which are under investigation by the DOJ and the SFO to test their anti-bribery compliance systems and has brought their controls up to 'best of breed'. He has been involved with the assessment of penalties on several high profile FCPA settlements.
David has been retained by companies and their legal advisors to investigate allegations of white-collar crime and wrongdoing, and the follow-on claims that arise. He has provided independent expert evidence to courts and tribunals on questions of  value, benefit, solvency and loss.
Dr Lawler is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Certified Fraud Examiner, a Member of the Academy of Experts, and an accredited commercial mediator. He is a partner in the London office of Forensic Risk Alliance, a US and European forensic accounting and e-disclosure consultancy.


About the Author xiii

Acknowledgements xv

Bribery Acronyms and Terms, and a Quick Index xvii

Introduction 1

1 Timeline 5

2 Who Pays Bribes? 19

3 What Are the Key Sets of Rules that Govern International Bribery? 69

4 Frequently Asked Questions 97

5 How Do I Set Up Proportionate Yet Effective Anti-Bribery Compliance Procedures? 343

6 How Do I Carry Out a Review to Detect and Deter Bribery? 405

7 Cautionary Tales – What Happens If You Get Caught? 433

8 What Are My Predictions for 2012 and Beyond? 455

9 Appendices 483

References 525

Get the Text of the Statutes on Your Smartphone from the Following QR Codes 545

Do I Need to Read this Book (Again)? 547

Index 549
