Biotechnical and Soil Bioengineering Slope Stabilization: A Practical Guide for Erosion Control
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Biotechnical and Soil Bioengineering Slope Stabilization: A Practical Guide for Erosion Control


The first comprehensive, practical guide to the selection,construction, and installation of soil bioengineering andbiotechnical slope protection

Here is the ultimate guide to physically attractive,environmentally compatible, and cost-effective methods ofprotecting slopes from erosion and mass wasting. Lavishlyillustrated with more than 150 photographs and supplemented withscores of charts and tables, this book covers the entire subjectfrom general principles and background on the nature of soilerosion and mass movement to detailed information on rootstrengths, treatment selection, unit costs, critical tractivestresses, methods for harvesting and handling live cuttings, andmore.

Four illustrated case studies, each addressing a different set ofproblems and solutions, demonstrate both the application ofparticular technologies and the site investigation, planning,scheduling, and organization required to complete these projectssuccessfully. This unique reference handbook
* Reviews the horticultural and engineering underpinnings forbiotechnical and soil engineering treatments
* Documents and explains the role of woody plants in stabilizingslopes against both surficial erosion and mass movement
* Provides details on a broad range of soil bioengineering methods,including live staking, live fascines, brushlayering, live cribwalls, branchpacking, and live slope gratings
* Describes various biotechnical methods and materials, includingthe incorporation of vegetation in erosion control blankets,flexible mats, cellular revetments (geocells), rock armor (riprap), and gabion and open-front crib walls
* Summarizes the findings of the National ScienceFoundation-sponsored workshop to assess the state of the art anddetermine research needs

For practicing professionals, researchers, and students ingeotechnical engineering, geology, soil science, forestry andforest engineering, landscape architecture, environmentalhorticulture, and restoration ecology, this book offers thorough,up-to-date coverage that is not available from any other singlesource.


DONALD H. GRAY, PhD, is Professor of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering at the University of Michigan.

ROBBIN B. SOTIR is President of Robbin B. Sotir & Associates, asoil bioengineering consulting firm based in Marietta, Georgia.


Introduction to Biotechnical Stabilization.

Surficial Erosion and Mass Movement.

Role of Vegetation in the Stability of Slopes.

Principles of Biotechnical and Soil BioengineeringStabilization.

Structural-Mechanical Components of BiotechnicalStabilization.

Vegetative Components and Considerations.

Soil Bioengineering Stabilization: Techniques and Methods.

Biotechnical Stabilization: Guidelines for Vegetative Treatment ofRevetments and Retaining Structures.

Biotechnical Ground Covers.

New Developments and Future Directions in BiotechnicalStabilization.

