Inelastic Deformation of Metals: Models, Mechanical Properties, and Metallurgy
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Inelastic Deformation of Metals: Models, Mechanical Properties, and Metallurgy


Using a totally new approach, this groundbreaking book establishesthe logical connections between metallurgy, materials modeling, andnumerical applications. In recognition of the fact that classicalmethods are inadequate when time effects are present, or whencertain types of multiaxial loads are applied, the new, physicallybased state variable method has evolved to meet these needs.Inelastic Deformation of Metals is the first comprehensivepresentation of this new technology in book form. It developsphysically based, numerically efficient, and accurate methods forpredicting the inelastic response of metals under a variety ofloading and environmental conditions.

More specifically, Inelastic Deformation of Metals:
* Demonstrates how to use the metallurgical information to developmaterial models for structural simulations and low cyclic fatiguepredictions. It presents the key features of classical and statevariable modeling, describes the different types of models andtheir attributes, and provides methods for developing models forspecial situations. This book's innovative approach covers such newtopics as multiaxial loading, thermomechanical loading, and singlecrystal superalloys.
* Provides comparisons between data and theory to help the readermake meaningful judgments about the value and accuracy of aparticular model and to instill an understanding of how metalsrespond in real service environments.
* Analyzes the numerical methods associated with nonlinearconstitutive modeling, including time independent, time dependentnumerical procedures, time integration schemes, inversiontechniques, and sub-incrementing.

Inelastic Deformation of Metals is designed to give theprofessional engineer and advanced student new and expandedknowledge of metals and modeling that will lead to more accuratejudgments and more efficient designs.

In contrast to existing plasticity books, which discuss few if anycorrelations between data and models, this breakthrough volumeshows engineers and advanced students how materials and modelsactually do behave in real service environments. As greater demandsare placed on technology, the need for more meaningful judgmentsand more efficient designs increases dramatically. Incorporatingthe state variable approach, Inelastic Deformation of Metals:
* Provides an overview of a wide variety of metal responsecharacteristics for rate dependent and rate independent loadingconditions
* Shows the correlations between the mechanical response propertiesand the deformation mechanisms, and describes how to use thisinformation in constitutive modeling
* Presents different modeling options and discusses the usefulnessand limitations of each modeling approach, with material parametersfor each model
* Offers numerous examples of material response and correlationwith model predictions for many alloys
* Shows how to implement nonlinear material models in stand-aloneconstitutive model codes and finite element codes

An innovative, comprehensive, and essential book, InelasticDeformation of Metals will help practicing engineers and advancedstudents in mechanical, aerospace, civil, and metallurgicalengineering increase their professional skills in the moderntechnological environment.


DONALD C. STOUFFER is Professor of Engineering at the University ofCincinnati and lectures on the Ohio Aerospace Institute televisionnetwork. He has been active in constitutive and life modeling ofhigh-temperature superalloys, metal matrix composites, singlecrystal superalloys, polymers, and biological materials, and haspublished and lectured widely in the field. Professor Stouffer has,in addition, worked for the U.S. Air Force, General ElectricAircraft Engines, and the Aeronautical Research Laboratories inAustralia.

L. THOMAS DAME is a Technical Fellow at the Structural DynamicsResearch Corporation. His recent work is on the development ofcommercial finite element codes, including the implementation ofnonlinear material models. Dr. Dame has also worked as SeniorEngineer for the International TechneGroup Incorporated and forGeneral Electric Aircraft Engines. He is also an Adjunct Professorof Engineering at the University of Cincinnati.



Physical Basis of Inelasticity.

Tensile, Compressive, and Cyclic Characteristics of Metals.

Creep of Metals.


Principles of Mechanics.

Yield Surface Plasticity and Classical Creep Modeling.


Foundation of State-Variable Modeling.

Multiaxial and Thermomechanical Modeling.

Single-Crystal Superalloys.

Finite-Element Methods.

