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More About This Title John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for EffectiveLeadership
- English
John Adair’s Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership is full of accessible advice and practical exercises from one of the world’s best –known and most sought-after authorities on leadership and management. Inside you will find:
- 9 Greatest Ideas for Leadership Skills
- 3 Greatest Ideas for Setting and Achieving You Objectives
- 6 Greatest Ideas for Teambuilding
- 4 Greatest Ideas for Leadership Qualities
- 8 Greatest Ideas for Managing Your Time
…and 70 other fantastic ideas, tips, and tricks that will give you the confidence, answers, and inspiration you need to succeed.
- English
- English
Five Greatest Ideas for Understanding the Functions of Leadership.
Idea 1: Task, team, individual.
Idea 2: Leadership function ? action-centred leadership.
Idea 3: Leadership characteristics ? task element.
Idea 4: Leadership characteristics ? team element.
Idea 5: Leadership characteristics ? individual element.
Follow-up Test.
Three Greatest Ideas for Setting and Achieving Your Objectives.
Idea 6: Draw up a personal profile.
Idea 7: Set personal goals.
Idea 8: Set professional business goals.
Nine Greatest Ideas for Leadership Skills.
Idea 9: Defining the task.
Idea 10: Planning.
Idea 11: Briefing.
Idea 12:Controlling.
Idea 13:Evaluating.
Idea 14: Supporting.
Idea 15: Motivating.
Idea 16: Setting an example.
Idea 17: The Adair short course on leadership.
Four Greatest Ideas for Leadership Qualities.
Idea 18: The 25 attributes of leadership and management.
Idea 19: The seven qualities of leadership.
Idea 20: Leadership qualities test.
Idea 21: Humility in action.
Follow-up Test.
Six Greatest Ideas for Teambuilding.
Idea 22: Teambuilding ? the functions of the leader.
Idea 23: Achieving the task ? with a team.
Idea 24: Building the team.
Idea 25: Developing the individual.
Idea 26: The individual and teams.
Idea 27: From good to great ? the hallmarks of a high performance team.
Sixteen Greatest Ideas for Getting the Best from Your Team.
Idea 28: 50:50 rule of motivation.
Idea 29: Eight rules for motivating people.
Idea 30: Maslow?s hierarchy of needs.
Idea 31: McGregor?s theory X and theory Y.
Idea 32: Herzberg?s motivation-hygiene theory.
Idea 33: Manager?s motivating checklist.
Idea 34: Ten ways to strengthen your own motivation.
Idea 35: The seven indicators of high motivation.
Idea 36: Choosing people with motivation ? the Michelangelo motive.
Idea 37: The key to motivating: treat each person as an individual.
Idea 38: Using Jacob?s ladder to set realistic and challenging targets.
Idea 39: Giving feedback to reinforce and motivate.
Idea 40: Maintaining morale to maintain motivation.
Idea 41: Creating a motivating environment.
Idea 42: Giving fair rewards to the motivated.
Idea 43: Giving recognition to the motivated.
Follow-up Test.
Twelve Greatest Ideas for Decision-Making.
Idea 44: Refining your decision-making skills.
Idea 45: The decision-maker as effective thinker.
Idea 46: The manager as decision-maker.
Idea 47: How to avoid the trap of bad compromise decisions.
Idea 48: How to use analysis in decision-making.
Idea 49: The role of synthesis ? a holistic approach ? in decision-making.
Idea 50: The role of imagination in decision-making.
Idea 51: The role of conceptual thinking in decision making.
Idea 52: The role of intuition in decision making.
Idea 53: The role of originality in decision making.
Idea 54: The concept of value in decision making.
Idea 55: How to weigh up the options in decision-making.
Thirteen Greatest Ideas for Creativity and Innovation.
Idea 56: Seven obstacles to creativity.
Idea 57: Ten things a creative person ought to be.
Idea 58: Seven ways to stimulate creativity.
Idea 59: The four main stages of creativity.
Idea 60: Innovation: the seven key layers.
Idea 61: How to recruit and retain creative people.
Idea 62: How to encourage creativity.
Idea 63: How communicating can reinforce innovation.
Idea 64: Overcoming obstacles to creativity and innovation.
Idea 65: Making your organization good at innovation.
Idea 66: Checklist for the innovative organization.
Idea 67: Ways to generate ideas in an organization.
Idea 68: Using brainstorming to generate ideas.
Follow-up Test.
Five Greatest Ideas for the Role of Strategic Reader.
Idea 69: Levels of leadership.
Idea 70: The art of being leader-in-chief.
Idea 71: Seven functions of strategic leadership.
Idea 72: Seven useful skills for operational leaders.
Idea 73: Practical wisdom.
Seven Greatest Ideas for Strategic Leadership Skills.
Idea 74: Giving direction.
Idea 75: Strategic thinking and planning.
Idea 76: Making it happen.
Idea 77: Relating the parts to the whole.
Idea 78: Building partnerships.
Idea 79: Releasing the corporate spirit.
Idea 80: Developing today?s and tomorrow?s leaders.
Follow-up Test.
Twelve Greatest Ideas for Effective Communication.
Idea 81: 15 key issues in communication.
Idea 82: Listening ? a key element in communication.
Idea 83: Being a better listener ? developing listening skills.
Idea 84: Six principles of effective speaking.
Idea 85: Profile the occasion ? the first element of a good presentation.
Idea 86: Planning and writing the presentation.
Idea 87 How best to deliver your presentation on the day.
Idea 88: One-to-one interviews.
Idea 89: Appraising performance.
Idea 90: Seven ways to receive criticism.
Idea 91: Communication and the management of meetings.
Idea 92: Communication within your organization.
Eight Greatest Ideas for Managing Your Time.
Idea 93: Ten principles of time management.
Idea 94: Delegate efficiently.
Idea 95: Make use of committed time.
Idea 96: Manage your health and avoid stress.
Idea 97: Five techniques to keep interruptions brief.
Idea 98: Six organizing ideas to improve time management.
Idea 99: Time to think.
Idea 100: How to manage meetings.
Follow-up Test.
About John Adair.