British Politics For Dummies
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Julian Knight is Money and Property Editor at The Independent on Sunday. Previously, he was a reporter at BBC News, contributing to the BBC News website and Radio Five Live. Julian has written on politics and finance for countless magazines, newspapers and websites. He is the author of The British Citizenship Test For Dummies and Wills, Probate & Inheritance Tax For Dummies, amongst others.



Part I: The Basics of Politics.

Chapter 1: Taking in the Political Universe.

Chapter 2: Understanding Why Politics and Politicians Are Important.

Chapter 3: Looking at Participatory Democracy.

Chapter 4: Examining Political Ideologies.

Chapter 5: Forming the British Political State.

Part II: Elections and Britain’s Parties.

Chapter 6: Counting the Votes: Differing Electoral Systems.

Chapter 7: Voting Behaviour and Trends.

Chapter 8: Homing in on Political Parties.

Chapter 9: Piling On the Pressure Groups.

Chapter 10: Scrutinising Politics and the Media.

Part III: The Ins and Outs of Parliament.

Chapter 11: Examining Britain’s Constitution.

Chapter 12: Britain’s Parliamentary Democracy.

Chapter 13: Gazing at the Summit: The PM and Cabinet.

Chapter 14: Assessing Ministers and Civil Servants.

Chapter 15: Taking in the Courts and Judiciary.

Chapter 16: Laying Bare Local Government and Devolution.

Chapter 17: Joining the Lawmakers: Becoming a Politician.

Part IV: Politics Worldwide.

Chapter 18: Understanding Britain’s Place in the World.

Chapter 19: Taking In the International Stage.

Chapter 20: Expanding Horizons: Europe and the EU.

Chapter 21: Leading the Free World: US Politics.

Part V: The Part of Tens.

Chapter 22: Ten Great Prime Ministers.

Chapter 23: Ten Major Political Scandals.

Chapter 24: Ten Political Events that Shaped the Modern World.

Chapter 25: Ten Political Trends for the Future.

