The P Scales - Assessing the Progress of Childrenwith Special Educational Needs
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More About This Title The P Scales - Assessing the Progress of Childrenwith Special Educational Needs


This is the first book devoted to the P scales; there has been no published research on the P scales.  There is no documentation of the benefits that schools have derived from using the P scales, and no account has been given of how easy or otherwise teachers have found it to use the P scales in the assessment of their pupils. The book introduces the P scales and their application to teachers, describes the various subject areas of the scales and how to apply them in the assessment of pupils attainment levels. The book also describes how schools can use the assessment data collected in self-evaluation and setting of improvement targets for their pupils.   It also discusses the P scales in terms of the validity and reliability of data collected and investigates the extent to which the scales measure what they were designed to measure. Head teachers have recounted their experiences of using the P scales, outlining the difficulties they have had in their schools using the scales and the benefits the schools have derived.  


Francis Ndaji is the Manager of the P scales project at the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring at Durham University, which runs projects monitoring the progress and attitudes of a million pupils across the UK each year. He previously taught in a secondary school before joining the research division of the National Metallurgical Development Centre of Nigeria, where he was Chief Chemist and Head of Division. He is a member of the Educational Evaluation Group.

Peter Tymms is Director of the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring at Durham University. Peter was a teacher for many years before becoming an academic; his main areas of research include monitoring, assessment, interventions and research methodology generally. He devised the PIPS project, which is designed to monitor the affective and cognitive progress of children through primary schools. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the UKCeMGA of the Office of National Statistics.


About the authors.



CHAPTER 1 The National Curriculum and the Development of the P scales (Francis Ndaji and Peter Tymms).

CHAPTER 2 P scales – The Context (Barbara Riddick).

CHAPTER 3 A Description of the P scales and Their Use in Assessments (Francis Ndaji and Peter Tymms).

CHAPTER 4 Reliability and Validity of the P scales Data (Francis Ndaji and Peter Tymms).

CHAPTER 5 Users’ Perspectives (Celia Dickinson, Bob Coburn, Helen Pettinger, John Parkes, Ginny Brown, Di Brown, Bernie Tetchner, Jo Gilbert and Mary Adossides).

CHAPTER 6 Research into the P scales (Francis Ndaji and Peter Tymms).

CHAPTER 7 Ways Forward (Francis Ndaji and Peter Tymms).



'I am really pleased to welcome this new book which focuses on the use P scales to monitor and assess learning for pupils with 'learning difficulties'. It is based on a decade of use, research and development of the scales; it is essential reading for all those involved in teaching and assessing those with special educational needs and disabilities.’
Professor Brahm Norwich, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter

‘This book will be a 'must buy' for all schools using P scales. It fills a gap in providing a detailed discussion of their use, including personal reports from users, as well as the technical issues that must be addressed in the use both of these scales and commercially available alternatives. Teachers will find this book very readable, useful and, I hope, thought-provoking.’
Professor Geoff Lindsay, Director, Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research, University of Warwick
