Leadership in Psychiatry
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Leadership in Psychiatry


The psychiatric profession must ensure that its next generation of leaders has the appropriate skills to provide mental health services in the face of globalization and urbanization, new technologies, and competing demands for shrinking resources. Developing leadership skills and leaders is critical in order to optimise the use of resources, their application, service planning and delivery of services for patients and their families.

This is the first book on leadership (rather than management skills) to focus on psychiatry and mental health care. Contributions from international experts with clinical and non-clinical backgrounds pull together the theories and practical skills required to be a successful leader. The aim is to guide mental health professionals in general and psychiatrists in particular on how to gain the relevant skills and on how to utilise these skills and training to take on leadership roles in clinical and organisational settings.

The book covers the role of the leader and the skills required for leadership, including chapters on communication, decision-making, team development, mentoring, gender issues in leadership, burnout and more. It includes a section on assessment tools and learning material. Essential reading for all those who aspire to lead in psychiatry!


Dinesh Bhugra is Professor of Mental Health and Cultural Diversity at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. He was President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists until 2011, and is President-Elect of the World Psychiatric Association until 2014, when he becomes President. He was awarded a CBE in 2012. He has authored/co authored over 350 papers, chapters and 30 books, the most recent volumes being Principles of Social Psychiatry, Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers and Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry. He is editor of the International Journal of Social Psychiatry, International Journal of Culture and Mental Health and International Review of Psychiatry.

Dr Pedro Ruiz
is currently Professor & Executive Vice Chair as well as Director of Clinical Programs at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Currently, he is President of the World Psychiatric Association (2011-2014). Dr Ruiz has also served in more than 40 editorial boards in the United States and abroad and has also authored more than 600 publications; among them, "Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook" and the Ninth Edition of "Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry".

Susham Gupta is a Consultant Psychiatrist currently working with the City and Hackney Assertive Outreach Service in East London. He has various research interests and has published in the areas of dementia, transcultural psychiatry, management in psychiatry and mental health legislation. He is on the editorial board of International Journal of Social Psychiatry and World Journal of Psychiatry.


List of Contributors viii

Preface xi

Part A The Role of the Leader

1 What is Leadership? 3
Dinesh Bhugra, Susham Gupta and Pedro Ruiz

2 What Makes a Leader? Skills and Competencies 13
Juan J. L´opez-Ibor, Blanca Reneses and Mar´ýa In´es L´opez-Ibor

3 Medical Professionalism, Leadership and Professional Judgement 34
Dinesh Bhugra, Alex Till, Nicholas Deakin and Pedro Ruiz

4 Leadership Theories and Approaches 49
John P. Baker

5 Clinical Leadership 63
Ahmed Okasha

6 Leadership and Clinician Engagement in Service Development 74
Hugo de Waal

Part B Skills Required for Leadership

7 Communication 89
Levent K¨uey

8 Leadership and Decision-Making 99
Dinesh Bhugra, Alex Till and Pedro Ruiz

9 Team-Building in Psychiatry 107
Wolfgang Gaebel, Andreas Kuchenbecker, Noemi Wulff and J¨urgen Zielasek

10 Coaching and Mentoring 126
Rebecca Viney and Denise Harris

11 Leadership and Factions 137
Zo¨e K. Reed

12 Leadership Outside the Clinical Team 147
Juan J. L´opez-Ibor, Mar´ýa In´es L´opez-Ibor and Blanca Reneses

13 Leadership in Academic Psychiatry 163
Dilip V. Jeste and Maja Gawronska

14 Taking People With You 179
David M. Ndetei and Patrick Gatonga

15 Leaders and Managers: A Case Study in Organizational Transformation – the Sheppard Pratt Experience, 1990–2011 189
Robert Roca and Steven S. Sharfstein

16 Burnout and Disillusionment 199
Wulf R¨ossler

17 Gender Issues Related to Medical Leadership with Particular Reference to Psychiatry 206
Marianne Kastrup and Klement Dymi

18 Leadership for Good versus Good Leadership in Mental Health 217
Sidney H. Weissman and Kenneth G. Busch

19 Acquiring Leadership Skills: Description of an International Programme for Early Career Psychiatrists 226
Norman Sartorius

20 Leadership, Ethics and Managing Diversity 233
Julio Torales, Hugo Rodriguez and Dinesh Bhugra

Part C Learning Materials

21 Assessment Tools 241
Cindy L. Ehresman

22 Learning Materials 253
John P. Baker

23 Conclusions 260
Dinesh Bhugra, Susham Gupta and Pedro Ruiz

Index 263


“We may agree with the notion that almost every psychiatrist may have the potential and possibility of leading. Let’s hope that those who are, or become, our leaders study this book, learn from it, and do the right things.”  (Acad Psychiatry, 31 July 2014)
