The Managers Concise Guide to Risk
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Managers Concise Guide to Risk


The Manager's Concise Guide to Risk is intended to serve as a quick reference that can assist you in recognizing and correctly identifying risk, and in distinguishing between the numerous types and varieties of risk that are likely to arise in the course of business and economic activity.

It explains and illustrates with simple numerical examples how some key risk concepts can be quantified and measured. It will generate much "added value" by expanding the scope of your risk knowledge from those few risk concepts made familiar through frequent encounter in a specific industry, line of business, division of a firm, or type of transaction, to a much broader and more comprehensive risk framework. In such a framework, you may find that other, unfamiliar or seemingly irrelevant types of risk are in fact related to or could occur concomitantly with the more familiar types, and that those risks - previously unfamiliar or presumed irrelevant - must not therefore be left out of the manager's analysis and decision-making process.


