Ethical Marketing and the New Consumer
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What was once just the desire of a few has now become a mass movement. The everyday shopper may still be searching out the value items but now they are also questioning the ethics of products and brands. Ethical products are increasing in sales year on year and those brands that have ignored it as a value are paying in reduced sales.

Empowered, the new consumer is using the pound in their pocket to make a point not just a purchase.

But ethical marketing isn’t just about environmentalism, it’s far bigger than that. This book challenges a lot of conventional thinking and introduces you to a wider range of ethics and the many types of ethical consumers.

As a brand manager or producer, it’ll give you useful tools to help you understand your Key Ethical Values. How to market and sell them.

It’ll blow away a few myths and probably surprise you with a few new facts and statistics. It looks at the positive and negative sides of big brands. And how to avoid greenwash, ethicalwash and becoming a victim of Brand Terrorism.

A must for anyone in the eco-ethical market or who wants to enter it. An essential guide to understanding the new consumer and why they buy, what they buy and what they don’t.

The book comes with a support website – – to allow comment, feedback, links and brands to publish their own case studies.


Chris Arnold is founder and Creative Partner of Creative Orchestra, the world’s first independent creative department, Social Enterprise ad agency and talent incubator.
A former board member and a Creative Director of Saatchi & Saatchi, Chris has worked in the advertising industry for over 20 years.
He has also been a founder of several other agencies; Symple, Barradale Leagas Arnold Campbell (BLAC) and FEEL.
A champion of ethics, he writes the ethical marketing blog on Brand Republic and has written for numerous publications, including the FT, Creative Review, Third Sector and Brand Strategy magazine. He also writes the ecoSuperMan Twitter.
He runs workshops and lectures around the world on creativity, opening minds and numerous marketing subjects, including ethical marketing. He’s also done many TV appearances advising on marketing, including a recent BBC programme on disgusting foods.
Chris has been a board member of the DMA, Europe’s largest marketing trade body, and was former chair of the DMA Agencies Council and the Creative Council.


Foreword by Kelvin Collins.

1 Introduction.

The structure.


2 The Power of Brand Ethos.

From ethics to ethos marketing.

Why reputation is more important than logos.

No ethos.

Becoming richer through ethics.

Looking in the mirror.


3 Ethical – Reality or a Brand Image?

When is an ethical reputation not the same as being ethical?

The untapped power of ethos.

It’s not how much you make but how you make it.


4 Churn and the Disposable Society.

From frivolous to frugal – the end of consumptive consumerism.

Churn and earn and hyper-consumerism.

When shopping is better than sex.

The disposable society.

Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . .

Make less, destroy less.

White, brown or green?

Reuse, repair not replace.

A window of opportunity – encouraging churn.


5 Bad Tasting Medicine.

From bad tasting medicine to good.

The price of being ethical.

Fairtrade – a fair price?

A return to post-war values.

Second life packaging.


6 It’s Not What You Say But What You Do.

Doing the walk and talk of ethics.

Good old honest food.

Think great, be honest, feel proud.

Abbey National and Habitat.

Keep it simple and honest.

Selling sex advice through the turn of a coin.

Nappy families – getting your message to students.

The power of youth media – the postcard.


7 Brand Terrorism.

David and Goliath.

How to avoid anti-brand wash.

From humanitarism to planetarism.

Avoiding brand suicide.

A bitter after taste.

Who pays? The power of the people.

The ethical time bomb.


8 Survival and Security.

How are consumers responding to the recession?

Selling survival and security.

The real cost of living.

Education, education, education.

Paris goes eco-electric.


9 Engaging the Consumer, Sharing Responsibility.

Just doing my bit.

Al Gore’s ‘we can solve it’ campaign.

Change the world for a fiver.

It’s not what you say but what you do.


10 Finding Reasons to Buy.

The emotional consumer.

The R&E line – a simple marketing tool.

The customer journey.

NLP – the aardvark tool.

Simplifying consumer choice – the power of three.

People vs planet – the geography of needs.


11 Research and Surveys.

The numeric society.

New ideas in profiling.

NLP and enneagrams.


Visuality profiling over numeric.

Joel Makower, the green blogger on research.


Beware of the numbers.

Never trust surveys unless you’ve asked the three golden questions.

The ethical shopping survey.

Who’s to blame and who’s going to fix it?

Changing consumer habits.


12 The Business and Religion of Ethics.

Ethics as a religion.

The Puritan Purpose.

Profit over people.

The Quaker way.

Charity and the religion of money.


13 Fairtrade.

The growth of Fairtrade.

Traidcraft – the fair share offer.

100 yellow bananas, hanging on the tree.


14 Food Waste and Recycling.

Food waste and recycling.

Packaging less, selling more.

The power of gestures as a marketing tool.

From plastic bags to designer bags.

Anya Hindmarch: ‘I’m not a plastic bag’.

The war on junk mail.


15 Recycling for Resale.

Turning lead into gold.

Second life packaging.

New brands from old.

A fantastic way to market your brand’s ethical credentials.

Eco innovation.


16 Turning Recycling into Good Marketing.

How Coke see plastic differently.

How to engage consumers to recycle.

From ads to bags.

Beach combing for new ideas.

The real art of persuasion.


17 The Ethical Sphere.

The Ethical Sphere.

Key Ethical Values (KEVs).

Balancing propositions.

The third dimension.

The process.

Seeing things differently.

Broader thinking.


18 Language and Persuasion.

The power and influence of words.


Carbon footprint.

Pollution has power.




19 How to be a Creative Marketer.

Why be creative?

History teaches us how to really fly.

Welcome to fuzzy marketing.

How to run a train less effi ciently but look more efficient.

Be brave – give your staff a get out of jail card.

Process and ideas.


20 Fat and Fit – Obesity and Health.

Let them eat fruit.

Healthy marketing.

The growth of healthy snacks.

Rebranding fat – tafs.

A mother’s dilemma.

Getting the name wrong.

Don’t blame it on the burger.

How to sell an honest snack.

Not so finger licking good.


21 Selling Ethical Behaviour.

America’s best selling product.

An ethical dilemma.

Unhappy hour – unselling drunken Britain.

The rebirth of ale.

Why the wine industry has less bottle.

The rebirth of cider.

The average consumer purchasing attitude.

Local and organic marketing.

A world of too much consumer choice.


22 From Brand Values to Brand Value.

BBC sells disgusting food.

When a brand becomes a turkey.

Branding Mr Riley’s pies.

When is food disgusting?


23 Fast Fashion.

The hierarchy of ethics.

The power of the high street.

Ethical fashion week.

Saving the planet, one step at a time.

Small things can make a big difference.

The true price of cotton.

The devil wears Primark.

‘How do they make ’em so cheap?’

How Spain is conquering the high street.

Don’t look behind the label, look at it.


24 Washing Green.

The great cleaning lie.

Soap powders, friend or foe?

Turn to 30.

Wash at zero.

The big softener con.

Not so clean cleaners.

Reframing from the environment to the home environment.

Green enlightenment or jumping on the green bandwagon?


25 Green Insurance and Finance.

Slow turning wheels – where are all the eco brands?

Is the customer saving the planet or just saving money?

Ibuyeco – doing your bit through insurance.

The new world of micro branding.

What insurance can learn from selling shoes.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Caution and uncertainty.

Forget green, try ethics.

The green wall.

Green car insurance, a consumer experience.

When the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand’s doing.


26 Bonus Chapters and Website.

Creative orchestra.

