Strategic Human Resource Management

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More About This Title Strategic Human Resource Management


The second edition of this popular volume provides management students and senior practitioners with a completely new and updated guide to the latest work in the field. This selection of important and highly readable articles from authors around the world charts key developments that have changed the theory and practice of SHRM over the last six years.
  • Covers issues of globalization and knowledge management, and their effect on the field of HRM and SHRM.
  • Includes more articles that discuss international aspects of HRM and SHRM and that demonstrate the use of HRM and SHRM for global competitive advantage.
  • Explores and highlights the new reality of knowledge management and its implications for HRM and SHRM.


Randall S. Schuler is Professor of Human Resource Strategy at GSBA-Zurich and the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University. He publishes widely in the area of strategic and global HRM, and has authored several books on these topics.

Susan E. Jackson is Professor of Human Resource Strategy at GSBA-Zurich and the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers. Her published works address a variety of issues in strategic human resource management, including managing knowledge-based organizations.





Part I: Overview of SHRM.

1. Looking Inside for Competitive Advantage: Jay B. Barney.

2. Understanding Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Environments: Susan E. Jackson and Randall S. Schuler.

3. Implications of the Converging Economy for Human Resource Management: Suzanne Zivnuska, David J. Ketchen, Jr. and Charles C. Snow.

4. Human Resources and the Resource Based View of the Firm: Patrick M. Wright, Benjamin B. Dunford and Scott A. Snell.

5. The Complex Resource-Based View: Implications for Theory and Practice in Strategic Human Resource Management: Barry A. Colbert.

6. Alignment of Human Resources and Their Impact on Business Performance: Dave Ulrich.

Part II : Global Dimensions.

7. Converting Global Presence into Global Competitive Advantage: Anil K. Gupta and Vijay Govindarajan.

8. Human Resource Strategy in International Context: Paul R. Sparrow and Werner Braun.

9. Reframing Global Mindset: From Thinking to Acting: Vladimir Pucik.

10. A Quarter-Century Review of Human Resource Management in the U.S.: The Growth in Importance of the International Perspective: Randall S. Schuler and Susan E. Jackson.

11. European Human Resource Management: Researching Developments over Time: Wolfgang Mayrhofer and Chris Brewster.

12. HRM in China: Fang Lee Cooke.

13. HRM in India: Debi S. Saini and Pawan S. Budhwar.

Part III: Strategy into Action.

14. HR Strategy and Competitive Advantage in the Service Sector: Peter Boxall.

15. Managing the Human Resource Architecture for Knowledge-Based Competition: David P. Lepak and Scott A. Snell.

16. New HR Metrics: Scoring on the Business Scorecard: Richard W. Beatty, Mark A. Huselid and Craig Eric Schneier.

17. Strategies for Responsible Restructuring: Wayne F. Cascio.

Part IV: Role of the HR Department and HR Professionals.

18. The Three-Dimensional People Strategy: Putting Human Resources Policies into Action: Lynda Gratton and Catherine Truss.

19. Seeing the Elephant: Human Resource Management Challenges in the Age of Globalization: Mark E. Mendenhall, J.Stewart Black, Robert J. Jensen, and Hal B. Gregersen.

20. The Changing Role of the Corporate HR Function in Global Organizations of the Twenty-first Century: Milorad M. Novicevic and Michael Harvey.

21. People Processing Systems and Human Resource Strategy: Shaun Tyson and Doone Selbie.


22. Strategic Human Resource Management: A Look to the Future: David P. Lepak.



"This new edition of Strategic Human Resource Management is, in global terms, the best book in the field of strategic HRM I have ever read. I wouldn't have expected less from two of the world's leading HR academics. Randall Schuler and Susan Jackson have done it again, and if there was an Academy Award for HR books internationally, this would be the overall winner by far. It is a must read for those interested in people management." Cary Cooper, Lancaster University Management School