Corporate Talent Detection and Development
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Corporate Talent Detection and Development


Talent is not a matter of status, nor a sub-component of personality, nor a commodity that can be quantified or measured.

This book consists of two parts. The first offers a fertile resource (epistemological and theoretical) to consider the notion of talent, as well as notions of potential, intelligence and business skills. The second part, in turn, investigates ten major families of talents (or “Natural Operating Modes”). From Marie Curie to Walt Disney, Hans Zimmer, Gabrielle Chanel and Claude Lévi-Strauss, the illustrations and examples are intended to be precise and demonstrative. Skills relating to observation, evaluation and elucidation are developed in detail and complemented with concrete examples.

Both managers and employees can use this book to acquire the solid bases required to potentiate and develop their talents within their respective company and beyond.


Yves Richez is a Doctor in Semiology. He has observed, studied and evaluated Natural Operating Modes for 15 years. His work on strategies for fulfilling potential is used by many companies.


Part 1. Theory, Principles and Methods
1. Rethinking the Issue of “Talent Development”.
2. Methodology and Working Principles.
3. Operating Principles Related to the Issue of “Talent”.
4. Potential-Situation: Potential as an Exteriority to the “Self”.

Part 2. Principles and Operational Uses of MO.O.N.s
5. Natural Operating Modes (MO.O.N.s): a Sum of Skills-Abilities.
6. Interpersonal MO.O.N.: Empathic-interactive.
7. Kinesthetic MO.O.N.: Gestural-material.
8. Spatial MO.O.N.: Emulative-inferring.
9. Musical MO.O.N.: Tonal-rhythmic.
10. Linguistic MO.O.N.: Phonetic-figurative.
11. Mathematical MO.O.N.: Abstract-general.
12. Scientific MO.O.N.: Correlative-pragmatic.
13. Naturalistic MO.O.N.: Classify-appreciate.
14. Extra-personal MO.O.N.: Multiple-tenticular.
15. Intrapersonal MO.O.N.: Autonomous-assertive.
16. Summary of the Ten MO.O.N.s.
17. Applications and Principles for Companies.
