Leadership and Communication in Dentistry Paper
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This book provides practical strategies for dentists to effectively and confidently communicate with many dental insurance issues, as well as with their patients and members of their staff.  Providing real-world examples and sample letters, the book includes specific guidance on how to handle common communication scenarios to avoid being caught off-guard or unprepared. 

Leadership and Communication in Dentistry begins with a unique section discussing communications with insurance companies, including negotiations, PPO contract issues, appeals letters, and more. It then includes chapters on communicating with patients, addressing how to listen to their concerns and motivate them, and staff, emphasizing how to be a better leader and institute office policies. The final section explores how dentists can use leadership and communication skills to improve their practice of dentistry. 

  • Provides concrete guidance on how dentists can confidently take the lead on conversations with dental insurance companies, their staff, and their patients
  • Includes real-world examples of how to lead through communications
  • Divided into sections covering communications with insurance companies, dental patients, and staff members
  • Teaches that being mindful of proper communication and leadership skills will create a true balance for the successful dentist leader to become successful at living 

Leadership and Communication in Dentistry is a must-have resource for any dentist or dental student wishing to improve their communication skills.


The Author

JOSEPH P. GRASKEMPER, DDS, JD, is Clinical Associate Professor at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook, NY, USA.


Section 1- Leadership and Success in Communication with Dental Insurance Companies

1.Understanding Insurance Companies

2.Insurance Negotiations

3.Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Contractual Issues

4.Estimation of Benefits Problems

5.Appeals Letters

6.Leadership to Interface with Your Community

Section 2 - Leadership, Communications, and Success for Your Practice

Part 1 – Your Patients


8.Patient Motivation

Part 2 – Your Staff

9.Leadership of Personnel

10.The Office Policy Manual

Section 3 - Leadership, Communication, and Success for Your Self

11.Understanding Leadership

12.Your Self
