NoSQL Data Models: Trends and Challenges
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  • Wiley

More About This Title NoSQL Data Models: Trends and Challenges


The topic of NoSQL databases has recently emerged, to face the Big Data challenge, namely the ever increasing volume of data to be handled. It is now recognized that relational databases are not appropriate in this context, implying that new database models and techniques are needed. This book presents recent research works, covering the following basic aspects: semantic data management, graph databases, and big data management in cloud environments. The chapters in this book report on research about the evolution of basic concepts such as data models, query languages, and new challenges regarding implementation issues.


Olivier Pivert is currently a full Professor of Computer Science at the National School of Applied Sciences and Technology, Lannion, France; and a Member of the Institute for Research in Computer Science and Random Systems where he heads the Shaman research team.


Chapter 1: NoSQL Languages and Systems

Chapter 2: Distributed SPARQL Query Processing: A Case Study with Apache SPARK

Chapter 3: Doing Web Data: From Dataset Recommendation to Data Linking

Chapter 4: Big Data Integration in Cloud Environments: Requirements, Solutions and Challenges

Chapter 5: Querying RDF data: a Multigraph-Based Approach

Chapter 6: Fuzzy Preference Queries to NoSQL Graph Databases

Chapter 7: Relevant Filtering in a Distributed Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System
