Urban Morphogenesis 2
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Urban Morphogenesis 2


This set of three books is based on the research of the Morphocity multidisciplinary team on the description, analysis and Numerical Modeling of Morphogenesis Viaire. SHS researchers (planners and anthropologues) describe and analyze urban form, its evolution and the processes that underlie them; The Out of SHS (modelers, physicists) are looking at probable "simple laws" at work behind the complexity and variety of urban structures.


1. The shape of the city and routes network

2. Plans and maps of cities: databases, scanning, vectorization

3. From the description of the urban form to the digital representations MIS / GIS

4. State of the art: the brutal application of mathematical tools of the city: polarization, fractals, graph theory

5. Metric: distance concepts, strategies and tactics of pedestrian traffic / taxis

6. The way according to Bill Hillier after the invention of the Urban Landscape