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More About This Title Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction to Likelihood Based Inference
- English
Presents a unified approach to parametric estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and statistical modeling, which are uniquely based on the likelihood function
This book addresses mathematical statistics for upper-undergraduates and first year graduate students, tying chapters on estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and statistical models together to present a unifying focus on the likelihood function. It also emphasizes the important ideas in statistical modeling, such as sufficiency, exponential family distributions, and large sample properties. Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction to Likelihood Based Inference makes advanced topics accessible and understandable and covers many topics in more depth than typical mathematical statistics textbooks. It includes numerous examples, case studies, a large number of exercises ranging from drill and skill to extremely difficult problems, and many of the important theorems of mathematical statistics along with their proofs.
In addition to the connected chapters mentioned above, Mathematical Statistics covers likelihood-based estimation, with emphasis on multidimensional parameter spaces and range dependent support. It also includes a chapter on confidence intervals, which contains examples of exact confidence intervals along with the standard large sample confidence intervals based on the MLE's and bootstrap confidence intervals. There’s also a chapter on parametric statistical models featuring sections on non-iid observations, linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, and linear models.
- Prepares students with the tools needed to be successful in their future work in statistics data science
- Includes practical case studies including real-life data collected from Yellowstone National Park, the Donner party, and the Titanic voyage
- Emphasizes the important ideas to statistical modeling, such as sufficiency, exponential family distributions, and large sample properties
- Includes sections on Bayesian estimation and credible intervals
- Features examples, problems, and solutions
Mathematical Statistics: An Introduction to Likelihood BasedInference is an ideal textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate courses in probability, mathematical statistics, and/or statistical inference.
- English
Richard J. Rossi, PhD, is Director of the Statistics Program and Co-Director of the Data Science Program at Montana Tech of The University of Montana, in Butte, MT. He acted as President of the Montana Chapter of the American Statistical Association in 2001 and as Associate Editor for Biometrics from 1997-2000. Dr. Rossi is a member of the American Mathematical Society, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the American Statistical Association.
- English
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
1 Probability 1
1.1 Sample Spaces, Events, and ;;-Algebras 1
Problems 7
1.2 Probability Axioms and Rules 9
Problems 14
1.3 Probability with Equally Likely Outcomes 16
Problems 18
1.4 Conditional Probability 19
Problems 25
1.5 Independence 28
Problems 31
1.6 Counting Methods 33
Problems 38
1.7 Case Study –The Birthday Problem 41
Problems 44
2 Random Variables and Random Vectors 45
2.1 Random Variables 45
2.1.1 Properties of Random Variables 46
Problems 50
2.2 Random Vectors 53
2.2.1 Properties of Random Vectors 53
Problems 60
2.3 Independent Random Variables 63
Problems 66
2.4 Transformations of Random Variables 68
2.4.1 Transformations of Discrete Random Variables 68
2.4.2 Transformations of Continuous Random Variables 69
2.4.3 Transformations of Continuous Bivariate Random Vectors 73
Problems 75
2.5 Expected Values for Random Variables 77
2.5.1 Expected Values and Moments of Random Variables 77
2.5.2 The Variance of a Random Variable 81
2.5.3 Moment Generating Functions 86
Problems 89
2.6 Expected Values for Random Vectors 94
2.6.1 Properties of Expectation with Random Vectors 96
2.6.2 Covariance and Correlation 99
2.6.3 Conditional Expectation and Variance 106
Problems 110
2.7 Sums of Random Variables 114
Problems 120
2.8 Case Study – HowMany Times Was the Coin Tossed? 123
2.8.1 The Probability Model 124
Problems 126
3 Probability Models 129
3.1 Discrete Probability Models 129
3.1.1 The Binomial Model 129 Binomial Setting 130
3.1.2 The HypergeometricModel 132 Hypergeometric Setting 132
3.1.3 The Poisson Model 134
3.1.4 The Negative BinomialModel 135 Negative Binomial Setting 135
3.1.5 The MultinomialModel 138 Multinomial Setting 139
Problems 140
3.2 Continuous Probability Models 147
3.2.1 The Uniform Model 147
3.2.2 The Gamma Model 149
3.2.3 The Normal Model 152
3.2.4 The Log-normal Model 155
3.2.5 The Beta Model 156
Problems 158
3.3 Important Distributional Relationships 163
3.3.1 Sums of Random Variables 163
3.3.2 The T and F Distributions 166
Problems 170
3.4 Case Study –The Central LimitTheorem 172
3.4.1 Convergence in Distribution 172
3.4.2 The Central LimitTheorem 173
Problems 176
4 Parametric Point Estimation 177
4.1 Statistics 177
4.1.1 Sampling Distributions 178
4.1.2 Unbiased Statistics and Estimators 179
4.1.3 Standard Error and Mean Squared Error 181
4.1.4 The Delta Method 186
Problems 186
4.2 Sufficient Statistics 190
4.2.1 Exponential Family Distributions 195
Problems 200
4.3 Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators 203
4.3.1 Cramér–Rao Lower Bound 205
Problems 212
4.4 Case Study –The Order Statistics 214
Problems 219
5 Likelihood-based Estimation 223
5.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 226
5.1.1 Properties of MLEs 226
5.1.2 One-parameter Probability Models 228
5.1.3 Multiparameter Probability Models 235
Problems 240
5.2 Bayesian Estimation 247
5.2.1 The Bayesian Setting 247
5.2.2 Bayesian Estimators 250
Problems 255
5.3 Interval Estimation 258
5.3.1 Exact Confidence Intervals 259
5.3.2 Large Sample Confidence Intervals 264
5.3.3 Bayesian Credible Intervals 267
Problems 269
5.4 Case Study – Modeling Obsidian Rind Thicknesses 273
5.4.1 Finite Mixture Model 274
Problems 278
6 Hypothesis Testing 281
6.1 Components of a Hypothesis Test 282
Problems 286
6.2 Most Powerful Tests 288
Problems 293
6.3 Uniformly Most Powerful Tests 296
6.3.1 Uniformly Most Powerful Unbiased Tests 299
Problems 301
6.4 Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests 305
Problems 311
6.5 Large Sample Tests 314
6.5.1 Large Sample Tests Based on the MLE 314
6.5.2 Score Tests 316
Problems 320
6.6 Case Study – Modeling Survival of the Titanic Passengers 323
6.6.1 Exploring the Data 324
6.6.2 Modeling the Probability of Survival 325
6.6.3 Analysis of the Fitted Survival Model 327
Problems 328
7 Generalized Linear Models 331
7.1 Generalized LinearModels 332
Problems 334
7.2 Fitting a Generalized LinearModel 336
7.2.1 Estimating ⃗ ;; 336
7.2.2 Model Deviance 338
Problems 340
7.3 Hypothesis Testing in a Generalized Linear Model 341
7.3.1 Asymptotic Properties 341
7.3.2 Wald Tests and Confidence Intervals 342
7.3.3 Likelihood Ratio Tests 343
Problems 346
7.4 Generalized LinearModels for a Normal Response Variable 348
7.4.1 Estimation 349
7.4.2 Properties of the MLEs 353
7.4.3 Deviance 357
7.4.4 Hypothesis Testing 359
Problems 362
7.5 Generalized LinearModels for a Binomial Response Variable 365
7.5.1 Estimation 366
7.5.2 Properties of the MLEs 368
7.5.3 Deviance 370
7.5.4 Hypothesis Testing 371
Problems 373
7.6 Case Study – IDNAP Experimentwith Poisson Count Data 375
7.6.1 The Model 376
7.6.2 StatisticalMethods 376
7.6.3 Results of the First Experiment 379
Problems 381
References 383
A Probability Models 385
B DataSets 387
Problem Solutions 389
Index 413