Multicore DSP - From Algorithms to Real-timeImplementation on the TMS320C66x SoC
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More About This Title Multicore DSP - From Algorithms to Real-timeImplementation on the TMS320C66x SoC


The only book to offer special coverage of the fundamentals of multicore DSP for implementation on the TMS320C66xx SoC 

This unique book provides readers with an understanding of the TMS320C66xx SoC as well as its constraints. It offers critical analysis of each element, which not only broadens their knowledge of the subject, but aids them in gaining a better understanding of how these elements work so well together.

Written by Texas Instruments’ First DSP Educator Award winner, Naim Dahnoun, the book teaches readers how to use the development tools, take advantage of the maximum performance and functionality of this processor and have an understanding of the rich content which spans from architecture, development tools and programming models, such as OpenCL and OpenMP, to debugging tools. It also covers various multicore audio and image applications in detail.  Additionally, this one-of-a-kind book is supplemented with:

  • A rich set of tested laboratory exercises and solutions
  • Audio and Image processing applications source code for the Code Composer Studio (integrated development environment from Texas Instruments)
  • Multiple tables and illustrations

With no other book on the market offering any coverage at all on the subject and its rich content with twenty chapters, Multicore DSP: From Algorithms to Real-time Implementation on the TMS320C66x SoC is a rare and much-needed source of information for undergraduates and postgraduates in the field that allows them to make real-time applications work in a relatively short period of time. It is also incredibly beneficial to hardware and software engineers involved in programming real-time embedded systems.


Naim Dahnoun is Reader in Teaching and Learning in Signal Processing in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bristol, UK.


Preface xviii

Acknowledgements xxi

Foreword xxii

About the Companion Website xxiii

1 Introduction to DSP 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Multicore processors 3

1.2.1 Can any algorithm benefit from a multicore processor? 3

1.2.2 How many cores do I need for my application? 5

1.3 Key applications of high-performance multicore devices 6

1.4 FPGAs, Multicore DSPs, GPUs and Multicore CPUs 8

1.5 Challenges faced for programming a multicore processor 9

1.6 Texas Instruments DSP roadmap 10

1.7 Conclusion 11

References 12

2 The TMS320C66x architecture overview 14

2.1 Overview 14

2.2 The CPU 15

2.2.1 Cross paths 16 Data cross paths 17 Address cross paths 18

2.2.2 Register file A and file B 20 Operands 20

2.2.3 Functional units 21 Condition registers 21 .L units 22 .M units 22 .S units 23 .D units 23

2.3 Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) instructions 24

2.3.1 Control registers 24

2.4 The KeyStone memory 24

2.4.1 Using the internal memory 27

2.4.2 Memory protection and extension 29

2.4.3 Memory throughput 29

2.5 Peripherals 30

2.5.1 Navigator 32

2.5.2 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (EDMA) Controller 32

2.5.3 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 32

2.5.4 General purpose input–output (GPIO) 32

2.5.5 Internal timers 32

2.6 Conclusion 33

References 33

3 Software development tools and the TMS320C6678 EVM 35

3.1 Introduction 35

3.2 Software development tools 37

3.2.1 Compiler 38

3.2.2 Assembler 39

3.2.3 Linker 40 Linker command file 40

3.2.4 Compile, assemble and link 42

3.2.5 Using the Real-Time Software Components (RTSC) tools 42 Platform update using the XDCtools 42

3.2.6 KeyStone Multicore Software Development Kit 47

3.3 Hardware development tools 47

3.3.1 EVM features 47

3.4 Laboratory experiments based on the C6678 EVM: introduction to Code Composer Studio (CCS) 51

3.4.1 Software and hardware requirements 51 Key features 52 Download sites 53

3.4.2 Laboratory experiments with the CCS6 53 Introduction to CCS 55 Implementation of a DOTP algorithm 63

3.4.3 Profiling using the clock 65

3.4.4 Considerations when measuring time 67

3.5 Loading different applications to different cores 67

3.6 Conclusion 72

References 72

4 Numerical issues 74

4.1 Introduction 74

4.2 Fixed- and floating-point representations 75

4.2.1 Fixed-point arithmetic 76 Unsigned integer 76 Signed integer 77 Fractional numbers 77

4.2.2 Floating-point arithmetic 78 Special numbers for the 32-bit and 64-bit floating-point formats 81

4.3 Dynamic range and accuracy 82

4.4 Laboratory exercise 83

4.5 Conclusion 85

References 85

5 Software optimisation 86

5.1 Introduction 86

5.2 Hindrance to software scalability for a multicore processor 88

5.3 Single-core code optimisation procedure 88

5.3.1 The C compiler options 90

5.4 Interfacing C with intrinsics, linear assembly and assembly 91

5.4.1 Intrinsics 91

5.4.2 Interfacing C and assembly 92

5.5 Assembly optimisation 97

5.5.1 Parallel instructions 98

5.5.2 Removing the NOPs 99

5.5.3 Loop unrolling 99

5.5.4 Double-Word Access 100

5.5.5 Optimisation summary 100

5.6 Software pipelining 101

5.6.1 Software-pipelining procedure 105 Writing linear assembly code 105 Creating a dependency graph 105 Resource allocation 108 Scheduling table 108 Generating assembly code 109

5.7 Linear assembly 111

5.7.1 Hand optimisation of the dotp function using linear assembly 112

5.8 Avoiding memory banks 118

5.9 Optimisation using the tools 118

5.10 Laboratory experiments 123

5.11 Conclusion 126

References 126

6 The TMS320C66x interrupts 127

6.1 Introduction 127

6.1.1 Chip-level interrupt controller 129

6.2 The interrupt controller 135

6.3 Laboratory experiment 140

6.3.1 Experiment 1: Using the GIPIOs to trigger some functions 140

6.3.2 Experiment 2: Using the console to trigger an interrupt 140

6.4 Conclusion 143

References 144

7 Real-time operating system: TI-RTOS 145

7.1 Introduction 146

7.2 TI-RTOS 146

7.3 Real-time scheduling 148

7.3.1 Hardware interrupts (Hwis) 148 Setting an Hwi 149 Hwi hook functions 149

7.3.2 Software interrupts (Swis), including clock, periodic or single-shot functions 155

7.3.3 Tasks 155 Task hook functions 157

7.3.4 Idle functions 158

7.3.5 Clock functions 158

7.3.6 Timer functions 158

7.3.7 Synchronisation 158 Semaphores 159 Semaphore_pend 159 Semaphore_post 159 How to configure the semaphores 159

7.3.8 Events 159

7.3.9 Summary 163

7.4 Dynamic memory management 163

7.4.1 Stack allocation 165

7.4.2 Heap allocation 165

7.4.3 Heap implementation 165 HeapMin implementation 165 HeapMem implementation 165 HeapBuf implementation 167 HeapMultiBuf implementation 171

7.5 Laboratory experiments 172

7.5.1 Lab 1: Manual setup of the clock (part 1) 172

7.5.2 Lab 2: Manual setup of the clock (part 2) 172

7.5.3 Lab 3: Using Hwis, Swis, tasks and clocks 174

7.5.4 Lab 4: Using events 187

7.5.5 Lab 5: Using the heaps 189

7.6 Conclusion 190

References 191

References (further reading) 191

8 Enhanced Direct Memory Access (EDMA3) controller 192

8.1 Introduction 192

8.2 Type of DMAs available 193

8.3 EDMA controllers architecture 194

8.3.1 The EDMA3 Channel Controller (EDMA3CC) 194

8.3.2 The EDMA3 transfer controller (EDMA3TC) 201

8.3.3 EDMA prioritisation 201 Trigger source priority 202 Channel priority 203 Dequeue priority 203 System (transfer controller) priority 203

8.4 Parameter RAM (PaRAM) 203

8.4.1 Channel options parameter (OPT) 203

8.5 Transfer synchronisation dimensions 203

8.5.1 A – Synchronisation 204

8.5.2 AB – Synchronisation 204

8.6 Simple EDMA transfer 204

8.7 Chaining EDMA transfers 208

8.8 Linked EDMAs 208

8.9 Laboratory experiments 210

8.9.1 Laboratory 1: Simple EDMA transfer 211

8.9.2 Laboratory 2: EDMA chaining transfer 211

8.9.3 Laboratory 3: EDMA link transfer 213

8.10 Conclusion 213

References 213

9 Inter-Processor Communication (IPC) 214

9.1 Introduction 215

9.2 Texas Instruments IPC 217

9.3 Notify module 219

9.3.1 Laboratory experiment 222

9.4 MessageQ 222

9.4.1 MessageQ protocol 224

9.4.2 Message priority 229

9.4.3 Thread synchronisation 229

9.5 ListMP module 233

9.6 GateMP module 234

9.6.1 Initialising a GateMP parameter structure 234 Types of gate protection 235

9.6.2 Creating a GateMP instance 236

9.6.3 Entering a GateMP 236

9.6.4 Leaving a gate 236

9.6.5 The list of functions that can be used by GateMP 237

9.7 Multi-processor Memory Allocation: HeapBufMP, HeapMemMP and HeapMultiBufMP 237

9.7.1 HeapBuf_Params 238

9.7.2 HeapMem_Params 239

9.7.3 HeapMultiBuf_Params 239

9.7.4 Configuration example for HeapMultiBuf 239

9.8 Transport mechanisms for the IPC 241

9.9 Laboratory experiments with KeyStone I 241

9.9.1 Laboratory 1: Using MessageQ with multiple cores 241 Overview 242

9.9.2 Laboratory 2: Using ListMP, ShareRegion and GateMP 243

9.10 Laboratory experiments with KeyStone II 249

9.10.1 Laboratory experiment 1: Transferring a block of data 249 Set the connection between the host (PC) and the KeyStone 249 Explore the ARM code 250 Explore the DSP code 259 Compile and run the program 263

9.10.2 Laboratory experiment 2: Transferring a pointer 267 Explore the ARM code 267 Explore the DSP code 271 Compile and run the program 278

9.11 Conclusion 278

References 278

10 Single and multicore debugging 280

10.1 Introduction 281

10.2 Software and hardware debugging 282

10.3 Debug architecture 282

10.3.1 Trace 282 Standard trace 282 Event trace 283 System trace 285

10.4 Advanced Event Triggering 286

10.4.1 Advanced Event Triggering logic 289

10.4.2 Unified Breakpoint Manager 294

10.5 Unified Instrumentation Architecture 295

10.5.1 Host-side tooling 295

10.5.2 Target-side tooling 295 Software instrumentation APIs 297 Predefined software events and metadata 297 Event loggers 297 Transports 297 SYS/BIOS event capture and transport 297 Multicore support 297

10.6 Debugging with the System Analyzer tools 298

10.6.1 Target-side coding with UIA APIs and the XDCtools 299

10.6.2 Logging events with Log_write() functions 300

10.6.3 Advance debugging using the diagnostic feature 301

10.6.4 LogSnapshot APIs for logging state information 302

10.7 Instrumentation with TI-RTOS and CCS 302

10.7.1 Using RTOS Object Viewer 302

10.7.2 Using the RTOS Analyzer and the System Analyzer 303 RTOS Analyzer 303 System Analyzer 303

10.8 Laboratory sessions 305

10.8.1 Laboratory experiment 1: Using the RTOS ROV 305

10.8.2 Laboratory experiment 2: Using the RTOS Analyzer 305

10.8.3 Laboratory experiment 3: Using the System Analyzer 312

10.8.4 Laboratory experiment 4: Using diagnosis features 314

10.8.5 Laboratory experiment 5: Using a diagnostic feature with filtering 317

10.9 Conclusion 321

References 322

Further reading 323

11 Bootloader for KeyStone I and KeyStone II 324

11.1 Introduction 324

11.2 How to start the boot process 325

11.3 The boot process 325

11.4 ROM Bootloader (RBL) 328

11.4.1 The boot configuration format 336 Creating the boot parameter table 336 Creating the boot table 338 The boot configuration table 338

11.5 Boot process 340

11.5.1 Initialisation stage for the KeyStone I 340

11.5.2 Second-level bootloader 341 Intermediate bootloader 341 How to use the IBL 342

11.6 Laboratory experiment 1 345

11.6.1 Initialisation stage for the KeyStone II 350 Bootloader initialisation after power-on reset 350 Bootloader initialisation process after hard or soft reset 350

11.6.2 Second bootloader for the KeyStone II 350 U-Boot 351

11.7 Laboratory experiment 2 352

11.7.1 Printing the U-Boot environment 360

11.7.2 Using the help for U-Boot 362

11.8 TFTP boot with a host-mounted Network File System (NFS) server – NFS booting 363

11.8.1 Laboratory experiment 3 364

11.9 Conclusion 372

References 372

12 Introduction to OpenMP 374

12.1 Introduction to OpenMP 375

12.2 Directive formats 376

12.3 Forking region 377

12.3.1 omp parallel – parallel region construct 377 Clause descriptions 378

12.4 Work-sharing constructs 382

12.4.1 omp for 382 OpenMP loop scheduling 383

12.4.2 omp sections 385

12.4.3 omp single 386

12.4.4 omp master 386

12.4.5 omp task 387

12.5 Environment variables and library functions 390

12.6 Synchronisation constructs 392

12.6.1 atomic 393 Clauses 393

12.6.2 barrier 395

12.6.3 critical 396

12.7 OpenMP accelerator model 397

12.7.1 Supported OpenMP device constructs 397 #pragma omp target 397 #pragma omp target data 399 #pragma omp target update 400 #pragma omp declare target 401

12.8 Laboratory experiments 402

12.8.1 Laboratory experiment 1 402

12.8.2 Laboratory experiment 2 402

12.8.3 Laboratory experiment 3 404

12.8.4 Laboratory experiment 4 405

12.8.5 Laboratory experiment 5 405

12.9 Conclusion 417

References 419

13 Introduction to OpenCL for the KeyStone II 420

13.1 Introduction 421

13.2 Operation of OpenCL 421

13.3 Command queue 424

13.3.1 Creating a command queue 427 Command-queue properties 429

13.3.2 Enqueueing a kernel 430

13.4 Kernel declaration 431

13.5 How do the kernels access data? 431

13.6 OpenCL memory model for the KeyStone 432

13.6.1 Creating a buffer 433 Cl_mem_flags 434

13.7 Synchronisation 435

13.7.1 Event with a callback function 436

13.7.2 User event 439

13.7.3 Waiting for one command or all commands to finish 439

13.7.4 wait_group_events 440

13.7.5 Barrier 440

13.8 Basic debugging profiling 440

13.9 OpenMP dispatch from OpenCL 443

13.9.1 OpenMP for the kernel code 443

13.9.2 OpenMP for the ARM code 443

13.10 Building the OpenCL project 444

13.11 Laboratory experiments 445

13.11.1 Laboratory experiment 1: Hello World 446

13.11.2 Laboratory experiment 2: dotp functions 454 Explore the main.cpp function 454 Explore the kernel 459 Run the dotp program 460

13.11.3 Laboratory experiment 3: USE_HOST_PTR 460

13.11.4 Laboratory experiment 4: ALLOC_HOST_PTR 463

13.11.5 Laboratory experiment 5: COPY_HOST_PTR 465

13.11.6 Laboratory experiment 6: Synchronisation 467

13.11.7 Laboratory experiment 7: Local buffer 473

13.11.8 Laboratory experiment 8: Barrier 477

13.11.9 Laboratory experiment 9: Profiling 479

13.11.10 Laboratory experiment 10: OpenMP in kernel 484

13.11.11 Laboratory experiment 11: OpenMP in ARM 487

13.12 Conclusion 489

References 490

14 Multicore Navigator 491

14.1 Introduction 491

14.2 Navigator architecture 492

14.2.1 The PKDMA 494 PKDMA transmit side 495 PKDMA receive side 495 Infrastructure PKDMA 497

14.2.2 Descriptors 497 Host packet descriptors 498 Monolithic packet descriptor 498 Setting up the memory regions for the descriptors 498

14.2.3 Queue Manager Subsystem 500

14.2.4 Queue Manager 503 Queue peek registers 503 Link RAM 504

14.2.5 Accumulator packet data structure processors 504 Accumulation 506 Quality of service 506 Event management (resource sharing and job load balancing) 506

14.2.6 Interrupt distributor module 506

14.3 Complete functionality of the Navigator 506

14.4 Laboratory experiment 511

14.5 Conclusion 513

References 514

15 FIR filter implementation 515

15.1 Introduction 515

15.2 Properties of an FIR filter 516

15.2.1 Filter coefficients 516

15.2.2 Frequency response of an FIR filter 516

15.2.3 Phase linearity of an FIR filter 517

15.3 Design procedure 518

15.3.1 Specifications 518

15.3.2 Coefficients calculation 519 Window method 519

15.3.3 Realisation structure 522 Direct structure 525 Linear phase structures 525 Cascade structures 527

15.4 Laboratory experiments 528

15.4.1 Filter implementation 529

15.4.2 Synchronisation 530

15.4.3 Building and running the DSP project 532

15.4.4 Building and running the PC project 534

15.5 Conclusion 540

References 540

16 IIR filter implementation 542

16.1 Introduction 542

16.2 Design procedure 543

16.3 Coefficients calculation 543

16.3.1 Pole–zero placement approach 543

16.3.2 Analogue-to-digital filter design 543

16.3.3 Bilinear transform (BZT) method 544 Practical example of the bilinear transform method 547 Coefficients calculation 547 Realisation structures 548

16.3.4 Impulse invariant method 552 Practical example of the impulse invariant method 553

16.4 IIR filter implementation 556

16.5 Laboratory experiment 561

16.6 Conclusion 561

Reference 562

17 Adaptive filter implementation 563

17.1 Introduction 563

17.2 Mean square error 564

17.3 Least mean square 565

17.4 Implementation of an adaptive filter using the LMS algorithm 565

17.5 Implementation using linear assembly 567

17.6 Implementation in C language with compiler switches 572

17.7 Laboratory experiment 572

17.8 Conclusion 573

References 573

18 FFT implementation 574

18.1 Introduction 574

18.2 FFT algorithm 574

18.2.1 Fourier series 574

18.2.2 Fourier transform 575

18.2.3 Discrete Fourier transform 575

18.2.4 Fast Fourier transform 576 Splitting the DFT into two DFTs 576 Exploiting the periodicity and symmetry of the twiddle factors 577

18.3 FFT implementation 579

18.4 Laboratory experiment 582

18.4.1 Part 1: Implementation of DIF FFT 582

18.4.2 Part 2: Using ping-pong EDMA 585

18.5 Conclusion 590

References 590

19 Hough transform 591

19.1 Introduction 591

19.2 Theory 591

19.3 Limits of r and θ 593

19.4 Hough transform implementation 595

19.5 Laboratory experiment 596

19.6 Conclusion 603

References 603

20 Stereo vision implementation 604

20.1 Introduction 604

20.2 Algorithm for performing depth calculation 605

20.3 Cost functions 606

20.4 Implementation 607

20.4.1 Laboratory experiment 610 SAD implementation 610 NCC implementation 611 ZNCC implementation 611

20.5 Conclusion 613

References 616

Index 617
