What's Your Role? - A Download from 50 Creative Training Openers & Energizers
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More About This Title What's Your Role? - A Download from 50 Creative Training Openers & Energizers


Provides information useful in helping participants establish their role as expert, vacationer, learner, prisoner, or judge. Also includes information for the trainer in reassuring the participants of their role.


  • Break the ice
  • Relieve tension associated with a topic
  • Become better acquainted
  • Provide focus on the topic

Group Size: Any size, subgroups of 5 to 7

Time Required: 8-10 minutes

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BOB PIKE, CSP, CPAE, has been a pioneer in the HRD industry since 1969. Pike has well earned his reputation as the "trainer's trainer." He is founder and president of Creative Training Techniques International, Inc. A prolific author, Pike has written or edited over 20 books, seminars, and training videos. He is the editor of the popular Creative Training Techniques Newsletter. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. LYNN SOLEM was a senior trainer at Creative Training Techniques International, Inc. and an inductee into the United Nations Women's Hall of Fame.