Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance
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More About This Title Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance


Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance is the perfect companion for study and revision for pre-registration nursing and healthcare students, as well as qualified nurses and medical students.

Infection prevention and control is one of the key five ‘essential skills clusters’ that is incorporated into all pre-registration nursing programmes. This highly visual and dynamic book is a thorough resource for nurses wanting to consolidate and expand their knowledge of this important part of nursing. Written by experienced infection prevention and control specialist nurses, it provides a concise and simple approach to a vast and complex subject, and equips the reader with key information in relation to various aspects of infection prevention and control practice.

  • Provides a snap-shot of the application of infection prevention and control in practice and the key infections affecting patients in both acute and primary care
  • A uniquely visual and accessible overview of a topic of relevance to all nursing staff
  • Includes key points for clinical practice, patient management, and signposting of key national guidance documents and websites
  • Available in a wide-range of digital formats - perfect for 'on the go' study and revision


Debbie Weston

Assistant Director

Infection Prevention and Control

Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust

Alison Burgess

Health Protection Practitioner

Public Health England


Sue Roberts

Deputy Director

Lead Nurse, Infection Prevention and Control

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust


Preface vii

Acknowledgements viii

Part 1 Introduction to infection prevention and control 1

1 Infection prevention and control (IP&C) 2

2 Communicable diseases 6

3 Bacterial classification and structure 8

4 Bacterial virulence factors 10

5 Viral classification and structure 12

6 The innate immune response 14

7 The acquired immune response 16

8 Principles of specimen collection 18

9 The microbiology laboratory 20

10 Antibiotics and prescribing 22

11 Antimicrobial resistance 24

Part 2 The principles of infection prevention and control 27

12 The chain of infection 28

13 Vaccination 32

14 Hand hygiene 34

15 Surgical hand preparation 38

16 Personal protective equipment 41

17 Environmental cleaning and disinfection 44

18 Sharps 46

19 Aseptic non-touch technique 48

Part 3 Clinical practice aspects of IP&C 53

20 The infection prevention management of intravascular devices 54

21 Isolation and cohort nursing 56

22 Management of patients with infectious diarrhoea 58

23 Investigation and management of outbreaks 60

24 Prevention and treatment of surgical site infection 62

25 Recognition and management of sepsis 64

Part 4 Infections and infectious diseases 67

26 Bloodborne viruses 68

27 Bordetella pertussis 72

28 Campylobacter jejuni 74

29 Gram-negative carbapenemase-producing organisms, including Enterobacteriaceae 76

30 Catheter-associated urinary tract infection 78

31 Clostridium difficile: prevention and control 80

32 Community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia 82

33 Ebola virus disease 86

34 Infestation 92

35 Influenza 96

36 Invasive group A streptococcal disease 98

37 Legionella 100

38 Measles, mumps and rubella 102

39 Meningococcal disease 104

40 Norovirus 106

41 Pandemic influenza 108

42 Salmonella 110

43 Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA 112

44 Tuberculosis 116

45 Varicella zoster 120

Glossary 123

References 125

Index 134


‘This book is an excellent resource for all who have an interest in the field of infection prevention and control (IPC), including nursing students … The authors, who are IPC nurse specialists, have produced an exceptional publication with a concise and colourfully designed format that distinguishes it from many leading IPC publications. The book makes use of simple, user-friendly illustrated diagrams and text boxes that cover a variety of IPC topics and concerns faced by these specialist nurses on a daily basis ... The book is also fully referenced with national and international key documents and guidance. This refreshing read will be referred to time and time again by IPC nurses new to the profession, as well as their more experienced colleagues’ – Nursing Standard- Feb 17