Corporate Resiliency: Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption
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PRAISE FOR CORPORATE RESILIENCY Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption

"Fraud and corruption have been with us forever, but happily there is growing realization that these crimes undermine trust in government, companies, and markets alike. Toby Bishop and Frank Hydoski do not just recognize that problem, but clearly set out ways and means for dealing with it."
Paul A. Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman and Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board

"At a time of rising public demand for good corporate conduct, Corporate Resiliency is a welcome resource for those seeking to manage fraud and corruption risks. Toby Bishop and Frank Hydoski provide a highly operational road map for assessing risk and preventing, detecting, and responding to fraud and corruption when it does occur."
Nancy Zucker Boswell, President and CEO, Transparency International - USA

"If you need a view of fraud and corruption from the top, this is your book. Bishop and Hydoski do an excellent job of explaining to executives why fraud and corruption are such serious issues for organizations, how we got where we are, and how to prevent and detect the devastating fallout from these crimes. A terrific read."
Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, founder and Chairman, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

"Corporate Resiliency offers managers and directors a holistic approach to the management of fraud and corruption risk that speaks to the same measures of productivity and profitability used in more conventional business processes. It walks the reader through the relationships among the board of directors, the audit committee, senior management, and staff in the process of fraud risk management, with a clear eye toward the intent and direction of fast-changing legislation and regulatory guidance."
From the Foreword by Mark G. Califano, Esq., Head of Litigation, GE Capital Finance

In today's global economy, fraud and corruption can more easily set off a chain of events resulting in serious financial and reputational loss. Corporate Resiliency reveals why resiliency in your company is not only just as crucial as innovation, customer-centricity, and competitiveness—it may be vital to your company's success.


Toby J. F. Bishop is the Director of the Deloitte Forensic Center for Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP in Chicago. A thought leader on fraud prevention and detection, named five times to Accounting Today's Top 100 Most Influential People in the Accounting Profession, he is the former president and CEO of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the global professional body for anti-fraud specialists. He is a graduate of the University of Oxford.

Frank E. Hydoski is the leader of the Analytic and Forensic Technology practice of Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP. Internationally recognized for his work in complex investigations, he served as chief of forensics for the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme and led a key forensic effort in the investigation of Holocaust-era accounts held by Swiss banks. He is a graduate of San Diego State University and obtained his PhD from the University of Chicago.
