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More About This Title Our Energy Future: Resources, Alternatives and the Environment, Second Edition
- English
Presents an overview on the different aspects of the energy value chain and discusses the issues that future energy is facing
This book covers energy and the energy policy choices which face society. The book presents easy-to-grasp information and analysis, and includes statistical data for energy production, consumption and simple formulas. Among the aspects considered are: science, technology, economics and the impact on health and the environment. In this new edition two new chapters have been added: The first new chapter deals with unconventional fossil fuels, a resource which has become very important from the economical point of view, especially in the United States. The second new chapter presents the applications of nanotechnology in the energy domain.
- Provides a global vision of available and potential energy sources
- Discusses advantages and drawbacks to help prepare current and future generations to use energy differently
- Includes new chapters covering unconventional fossil fuels and nanotechnology as new energy
- English
Christian Ngô, ScD, was formerly executive general manager of ECRIN (Échange et Coordination Recherche-Industrie) and scientific director of the Atomic Energy's High Commissioner Office. In 2008, he founded Edmonium Conseil, a consulting company. He has worked in fundamental research for twenty years, and has published approximately 200 papers. Dr. Ngô is the author of ten books in French and has been involved as an energy expert in several studies of the OPECST (Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options), a common committee of the French Parliament and Senate.
Joseph B. Natowitz, PhD, is currently University Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Previously at TAMU, he served as head of the Department of Chemistry and Director of the Cyclotron Institute and held the Bright Chair in Nuclear Science. Among his awards and honors are the American Chemical Society Award in Nuclear Chemistry, the ACS Southwest Regional Award, and the Association of Former Students Research Award at TAMU. Professor Natowitz has served and continues to serve on the program advisory and/or review committees of many national and international research facilities as well as on Advisory Committees for a number of international conferences. Professor Natowitz has published more than 300 research papers.
- English
Preface to the Second Edition xiii
Preface to the First Edition xv
1. We Need Energy 1
1.1. Generalities 1
1.1.1. Primary and Secondary Energy 1
1.1.2. Energy Units 3
1.1.3. Power 5
1.1.4. Energy and First Law of Thermodynamics 5
1.1.5. Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics 6
1.1.6. Exergy 7
1.1.7. Going Back to the Past 7
1.1.8. Humans and Energy 8
1.2. Always More! 9
1.2.1. Why do we Need More Energy? 10
1.2.2. Energy Sources we Use 13
1.2.3. Security of Supply 18
1.2.4. Environmental Concerns 24
2. Oil and Natural Gas 26
2.1. Genesis of Oil and Natural Gas 27
2.2. Recovering Oil and Gas 30
2.3. Peak Oil 32
2.4. Reserves 34
2.4.1. Crude Oil Reserves 35
2.4.2. Natural Gas Reserves 36
2.5. Properties of Hydrocarbons 38
2.6. Oil Fields 40
2.7. Prices 41
2.8. Consumption 44
2.9. Electricity Generation 46
2.10. Impact on Environment 49
2.11. Conclusion 52
3. Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources 53
3.1. Hydrocarbon Formation 53
3.2. Offshore Hydrocarbons 55
3.3. Unconventional Hydrocarbons 58
3.4. Unconventional Oils 59
3.4.1. Unconventional Oils Contained in Reservoirs 59
3.4.2. Unconventional Oils Contained in Source Rock 60
3.5. Unconventional Gases 61
3.5.1. Unconventional Gases Contained in Reservoirs 61
3.5.2. Unconventional Gases Contained in Source Rocks 62
3.6. Methane Hydrates 69
3.7. Conclusion 70
4. Coal: Fossil Fuel of the Future 71
4.1. Genesis of Coal 72
4.2. Rank of Coals 73
4.3. Classification of Coals 73
4.4. Peat 76
4.5. Use of Coal 78
4.6. Coal Reserves 78
4.7. Production and Consumption 82
4.8. Electricity Production 86
4.9. Coal Combustion for Power Generation 87
4.9.1. Advanced Pulverized Coal Combustion 88
4.9.2. Fluidized‐Bed Combustion at Atmospheric Pressure 88
4.9.3. Pressurized Fluidized‐Bed Combustion 88
4.10. Combined Heat and Power Generation 88
4.11. Integrated Gasification Combined–Cycle Power Plants 89
4.12. Coal‐to‐Liquid Technologies 90
4.13. Direct Coal Liquefaction 90
4.14. Indirect Coal Liquefaction 91
4.15. Direct or Indirect CTL Technology? 92
4.16. Carbon Capture and Sequestration 93
4.16.1. Capture 93
4.16.2. Transport 97
4.16.3. Sequestration 97
4.16.4. Cost 100
4.17. Coal Pit Accidents 100
4.18. Environmental Impacts 101
4.19. Conclusion 102
5. Fossil Fuels and Greenhouse Effect 103
5.1. Greenhouse Effect 104
5.2. Greenhouse Gases 107
5.3. Weather and Climate 111
5.4. Natural Change of Climate 112
5.5. Anthropogenic Emissions 112
5.6. Water and Aerosols 115
5.7. Global Warming Potentials 116
5.8. Increase of Average Temperature 117
5.9. Model Predictions 118
5.10. Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 119
5.11. Consequences 126
5.12. Other Impacts on Ocean 126
5.13. Factor 4 128
5.14. Kyoto Protocol 129
5.15. Conclusion 131
6. Energy from Water 133
6.1. Hydropower 133
6.1.1. Hydropower: Important Source of Electricity 134
6.1.2. Dams and Diversions 137
6.1.3. Head and Flow 139
6.1.4. Turbines 140
6.1.5. Small‐Scale Hydropower 142
6.1.6. Environmental Concerns 144
6.1.7. Costs 144
6.2. Energy from the Ocean 145
6.2.1. Offshore Wind Energy 147
6.2.2. Wave Energy 147
6.2.3. Tidal Energy 151
6.2.4. Marine Current Energy 153
6.2.5. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 154
6.2.6. Osmotic Energy 155
7. Biomass 157
7.1. Producing Biomass 159
7.2. An Old Energy Resource 161
7.3. Electricity Production 162
7.4. Technologies 164
7.4.1. Direct Combustion Technologies 164
7.4.2. Cofiring Technologies 165
7.4.3. Biomass Gasification 165
7.4.4. Anaerobic Digestion 166
7.4.5. Pyrolysis 166
7.5. Heat Production 167
7.6. Biomass for Cooking 168
7.7. Environmental Impact 169
7.8. Market Share 170
7.9. Biofuels 172
7.9.1. First‐Generation Biofuels 174
7.9.2. Second‐Generation Biofuels 181
7.9.3. Third‐Generation Biofuels 182
7.10. From Well to Wheels 182
7.11. Conclusion 183
8. Solar Energy 184
8.1. Solar Energy: A Huge Potential 185
8.2. Thermal Solar Energy 186
8.2.1. Producing Hot Water for Domestic Purposes 186
8.2.2. Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation Using Solar Energy 189
8.2.3. The Solar Cooker 190
8.3. Concentrated Solar Power Plants 191
8.3.1. Parabolic Troughs 191
8.3.2. Power Towers 193
8.3.3. Parabolic Dish Collectors 194
8.4. Solar Chimneys or Towers 194
8.5. Photovoltaic Systems 196
8.5.1. Market Dominated by Silicon 197
8.5.2. Other Photovoltaic Technologies 198
8.5.3. Applications 199
8.6. Electricity Storage 204
8.7. Economy and Environment 205
8.8. Conclusion 205
9. Geothermal Energy 207
9.1. Available in Many Places 210
9.2. Different Uses 212
9.3. Technologies 212
9.4. Geothermal Energy in the World 216
9.5. Conclusion 219
10. Wind Energy 220
10.1. Already A Long History 220
10.2. From Theory to Practice 222
10.3. Development of Wind Power 224
10.4. Offshore Wind Turbines 232
10.5. Conclusion 233
11. Nuclear Energy 234
11.1. Basics of Nuclear Energy 234
11.1.1. Atoms and Nuclei 235
11.1.2. Radioactivity 236
11.1.3. Energy and Mass 238
11.1.4. Fission 240
11.1.5. Fissile and Fertile 241
11.1.6. Chain Reaction 242
11.1.7. Critical Mass 244
11.1.8. Nuclear Reactors 245
11.1.9. Natural Nuclear Reactors: Oklo 246
11.1.10. Conclusion 247
11.2. Uses of Nuclear Energy 247
11.2.1. Different Technologies 248
11.2.2. Selection Process 251
11.2.3. Why Nuclear Energy? 253
11.2.4. Uranium Resources 254
11.2.5. Fuel Cycles 257
11.2.6. Safety 260
11.2.7. Nuclear Waste 263
11.2.8. Conclusion 265
11.3. Thermonuclear Fusion 266
11.3.1. Nuclei: Concentrated Sources of Energy 266
11.3.2. The Sun 267
11.3.3. Fusion of Light Nuclei 268
11.3.4. Difficulties 268
11.3.5. A Bit of History 269
11.3.6. Thermonuclear Fusion in Tokamaks 269
11.3.7. ITER: New Step Toward Mastering Fusion 270
11.3.8. About Fuel Reserves 271
11.3.9. Longer Term Possibilities 271
11.3.10. Safety and Waste Issues 272
11.3.11. Conclusion 272
Appendix 273
12. Electricity: Smart Use of Energy 274
12.1. Rapid Development 275
12.2. Energy Sources for Electricity Production 279
12.3. No Unique Solution 281
12.4. From Mechanical Energy to Consumer 286
12.5. Impact on Environment 288
12.6. Cost 289
12.7. Conclusion 290
13. Weak Point of Energy Supply Chain 292
13.1. Electricity Storage 294
13.1.1. Characteristics of Electricity Storage 296
13.1.2. Large‐Quantity Storage Technologies 297
13.1.3. Electrochemical Batteries 303
13.1.4. Supercapacitors 315
13.1.5. Flywheels 317
13.2. Thermal Energy Storage 318
13.2.1. Basic Heat Storage 320
13.2.2. Sensible Heat Storage 320
13.2.3. Phase Change Materials 320
13.2.4. Thermochemical and Thermophysical Energy Storage 322
13.2.5. Applications of Thermal Energy Storage 323
13.2.6. Underground Energy Storage 324
13.2.7. Conclusion 326
14. Transportation 327
14.1. Short History of Transportation 327
14.2. Energy and Transportation 329
14.3. Road Transportation 331
14.4. Ship Transportation 336
14.5. Air Transport 337
14.6. Car Dynamics 339
14.7. Fuels for Road Transportation 340
14.8. Co2 Emissions 343
14.9. Hybrid Vehicles 354
14.10. Electric Vehicles 356
14.11. Conclusion 358
15. Housing 359
15.1. Importance of Housing 359
15.2. Toward More Efficient Housing 363
15.3. Different Regions, Different Solutions 367
15.4. Bioclimatic Architecture 369
15.5. Insulation 370
15.6. Glazing 374
15.7. Lighting 376
15.8. Ventilation 379
15.9. Water 380
15.10. Energy Use in a Household 382
15.11. Heat Pumps 384
15.12. Impact on Environment 387
15.13. Conclusion 390
16. Smart Energy Consumption 391
16.1. Housing 392
16.2. Improving the Way we Consume Energy 393
16.3. Cogeneration 394
16.4. Standby Consumption 396
16.5. Lighting 401
16.6. Transportation 402
16.6.1. Technology 404
16.6.2. Individuals 405
16.7. Conclusion 407
17. Hydrogen 409
17.1. From Production To Distribution 409
17.1.1. Properties 409
17.1.2. Production 411
17.1.3. Storage 420
17.1.4. Hydrogen Transport and Distribution 425
17.1.5. Conclusion 428
17.2. Hydrogen: Energetic Applications 428
17.2.1. Fundamentals of Fuel Cells 428
17.2.2. Different Types of Fuel Cells 431
17.2.3. Transportation 439
17.2.4. Direct Use of Hydrogen 446
17.2.5. Direct Combined Heat and Power 447
17.2.6. Hydrogen and Portable Devices 448
17.2.7. Hydrogen Safety 449
17.2.8. Conclusion 450
18. Nanotechnology and Energy 452
18.1. What is New at the Nanoscale? 452
18.1.1. Surface Effects Prevail 453
18.1.2. Quantum Effects 453
18.2. Nanotechnology and Energy Production 456
18.2.1. Fossil Fuels 457
18.2.2. Syngas 458
18.3. New Energy Technologies 459
18.3.1. Solar Energy 460
18.3.2. Wind Energy 462
18.3.3. Hydrogen 462
18.3.4. Fuel Cells 462
18.3.5. Batteries 463
18.3.6. Thermoelectricity 464
18.3.7. Electrical Distribution 464
18.4. Nanotechnology and Housing 464
18.4.1. Construction Engineering 464
18.4.2. Insulation 465
18.4.3. Lighting 466
18.4.4. Heating, Ventilating, and Air‐Conditioning 468
18.4.5. Surface Materials 468
18.5. Nanotechnology and Transportation 468
18.5.1. Bodywork 469
18.5.2. Interior of the Car 470
18.5.3. Tires 470
18.5.4. Powertrain 471
18.5.5. Electronics 471
18.5.6. Outlook in the Automotive Sector 471
18.6. Conclusion 472
19. Conclusion 474
Exercises 480
Solutions 490
Bibliography 500
Index 505