Love the Work, Hate the Job: Why America's Best Workers Are More Unhappy Than Ever
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- Wiley
More About This Title Love the Work, Hate the Job: Why America's Best Workers Are More Unhappy Than Ever
- English
David Kusnet served as chief speechwriter for President Bill Clinton and now advises leading Democrats, labor unions, companies, and advocacy groups. He writes a column for the New Republic online and has written for many major newspapers and magazines.
- English
Introduction: The Battle of Seattle.
1. Henry Kaiser's Orphans.
2. From Blue-Collar Blues to White-Collar Woes.
3. Graveyard Shift.
4. Caring Enough to Get Mad.
5. Cyber Proles.
6. “Aren't We Technology Workers?”
7. “I Know What It's Like to Be Treated Reasonably”.
8. The Love-Hate Workplace.
9. “A Company That Hires Engineers and Other People”.
10. The Max Planck Institute for Cynicism.
11. "On Strike for Boeing".
12. One of Boeing's Best Years Ever.
Afterword: "No One Knows Where".