Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry in the Laboratory, Eighth Edition
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Get hands-on experience with this Lab Manual! Designed to accompany Hein’s Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry, 8th Edition, this manual contains 48 experiments, 6 study aids, 26 exercises, and appendices.

The new edition of the popular text, Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, offers the most comprehensive coverage of general, organic, and biochemistry currently available to those in the Allied Health professions. Written by an experienced author team, who recognize that both science and mathematics can be daunting subjects to students, they skillfully anticipate areas of difficulty and pace the text accordingly. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of how chemical principles relate to allied health careers. The authors focus on problem solving over rote memorization and provide a variety of exercises to aid in the development of this essential skill.



Safety Guidelines.

Laboratory Rules and Safety Procedures.


1. Laboratory Techniques.

2. Measurements.

3. Preparation and Properties of Oxygen.

4. Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen.

5. Calorimetry and Specific Heat.

6. Freezing Points—Graphing of Data.

7. Water in Hydrates.

8. Properties of Solutions.

9. Composition of Potassium Chlorate.

10. Double Displacement Reactions.

11. Single Displacement Reactions.

12. Ionization—Electrolytes and pH.

13. Identification of Selected Anions.

14. Properties of Lead(II), Silver, and Mercury (I) Ions.

15. Quantitative Preparation of Potassium Chloride.

16. Electromagnetic Energy and Spectroscopy.

17. Lewis Structures and Molecular Models.

18. Boyle’s Law.

19. Charles’ Law.

20. Liquids—Vapor Pressure and Boiling Points.

21. Molar Volume of a Gas.

22. Neutralization—Titration I.

23. Neutralization—Titration II.

24. Chemical Equilibrium—Reversible Reactions.

25. Heat of Reaction.

26. Distillation of Volatile Liquids.

27. Boiling Points and Melting Points.

28. Hydrocarbons.

29. Alcohols, Esters, Aldehydes, and Ketones.

30. Esterification—Distillation: Synthesis of a n-Butyl Acetate.

31. Synthesis of Aspirin.

32. Amines and Amides.

33. Polymers—Macromolecules.

34. Carbohydrates.

35. Glucose Concentration in Sheep Blood.

36. Amino Acids and Proteins.

37. Paper Chromatography.

38. Ion-Exchange Chromatography of Amino Acids.

39. Identification of an Unknown Amino Acid by Titration.

40. Enzymatic Catalysis—Catalase.

41. Lipids.

42. Cholesterol Levels in Sheep Blood.


1. Significant Figures.

2. Formulas and Chemical Equations.

3. Preparing and Reading a Graph.

4. Using a Scientific Calculator.

5. Dimensional Analysis and Stoichiometry.

6. Organic Chemistry—An Introduction.


1. Significant Figures and Exponential Notation.

2. Measurements.

3. Names and Formulas I.

4. Names and Formulas II.

5. Names and Formulas III.

6. Equation Writing and Balancing I.

7. Equation Writing and Balancing II.

8. Equation Writing and Balancing III.

9. Graphical Representation of Data.

10. Moles.

11. Stoichiometry I.

12. Gas Laws.

13. Solution Concentrations.

14. Stoichiometry II.

15. Chemical Equilibrium.

16. Oxidation-Reduction Equations I.

17. Oxidation-Reduction Equations II.

18. Hydrocarbons.

19. Alcohols, Esters, Alehydes, and Ketones.

20. Functional Groups.

21. Synthetic Polymers.

22. Carbohydrates.

23. Amino Acids and Polypeptides.

24. Lipids.

25. Molecular Models and Isomerism.

26. Stereoisomerism—Optical Isomers.


1. Suggested List of Equipment.

2. List of Reagents Required and Preparation of Solutions.

3. Special Equipment of Preparations Needed.

4. Units of Measurements.

5. Solubility Table.

6. Vapor Pressure of Water.

7. Boiling Points of Liquids.

8. Waste Disposal Requirements for Each Equipment.

Periodic Table of Elements.

Atomic Masses of the Elements.

Names, Formulas, and Charges of Common Ions.
