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- Wiley
More About This Title Java Testing Patterns
- English
MATTHEW YOUNG is the senior Java architect at HealthTrio in Tucson, Arizona. He champions the causes of UML, the Agile process, and engineering process improvement.
KYLE BROWN is a senior technical staff member with IBM Software Services for WebSphere. He has published more than fifty papers and articles on software-engineering topics, including database patterns.
ANDREW GLOVER is CTO for Vanward Technologies and specializes in building automated testing frameworks for Java and a variety of other platforms.
- English
About the Authors.
Chapter 1: Critical Testing Concepts.
Chapter 2: Unit Testing.
Chapter 3: Integration Testing.
Chapter 4: End-to-End Testing.
Chapter 5: Database Testing.
Chapter 6: Assertion Pattern.
Chapter 7: Mock Object Pattern.
Chapter 8: Mock Data Access Objects (DAOs).
Chapter 9: Test Database Pattern.
Chapter 10: Controlled Exception Pattern.
Chapter 11: Self-Shunt Pattern.
Chapter 12: AbstractTest Pattern.
Chapter 13: Category-Partition Pattern.
Chapter 14: Use Case Testing Pattern.
Chapter 15: ObjectMother Pattern.
Chapter 16: Quasi-Modal Testing Pattern.
Chapter 17: Sample Application Description.
Chapter 18: Design and Components of the Sample Application.
Chapter 19: Unit Tests for the Sample Application.
Chapter 20: Functional Tests for the Sample Application.
Chapter 21: Integrating Unit Tests into Ant.
Appendix A: A Guide to JUnit.
Appendix B: Ant Reference.
Appendix C: DbUnit Reference.
Appendix D: Unified Modeling Language (UML).
Appendix E: Aspect-Oriented Programming and Testing.