Additional Cases to Accompany Systems Analysis andDesign on CD-ROM
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- Wiley
More About This Title Additional Cases to Accompany Systems Analysis andDesign on CD-ROM
- English
Wanted: Intelligent, Motivated Individuals for High-Paying Systems Analyst and Design Positions! This practical, no-nonsense textbook provides you with the rich foundation you need to enter the exciting field of systems analysis and design, and helps you gain the core skills that will ensure a successful and rewarding career! Each chapter in the text describes one part of the SAD process, provides clear explanations on how to do it, gives a detailed example, and then includes exercises that allow you to practice what you've learned. The focus is on the specific tasks that analysts need to accomplish over the course of a project, and the deliverables that will be produced from the tasks. As you complete the book, tasks are checked off and deliverables completed and filed in a Project Binder. Along the way, you are reminded of your progress using roadmaps that indicate where the current task fits into the larger context of SAD. The result is that you come to understand how to use this process in a real situation, and acquire key skills that you'll use throughout your career. Other Features of the Text
* A running case integrated throughout gives you the chance to apply each new skill they learn.
* Object-oriented techniques currently used in practice are introduced.
* Stories, feedback, and advice from a diverse group of IS professionals and consultants provide real-world insight.
* Topics are presented in the order in which an analyst encounters them in a typical project.
* Each chapter has several mini-cases that give an example of a real-life situation to illustrate key concepts in action.
* A running case integrated throughout gives you the chance to apply each new skill they learn.
* Object-oriented techniques currently used in practice are introduced.
* Stories, feedback, and advice from a diverse group of IS professionals and consultants provide real-world insight.
* Topics are presented in the order in which an analyst encounters them in a typical project.
* Each chapter has several mini-cases that give an example of a real-life situation to illustrate key concepts in action.
- English
Project Initiation.
Project Management.
Systems Analysis.
Gathering Information.
Process Modeling.
Data Modeling.
System Design.
Architecture Design.
User Interface Structure Design.
User Interface Design Components.
Data Storage Design.
Program Design.
The Movement Towards Objects.