CORBA 3 Fundamentals and Programming, 2nd Edition
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  • Wiley

More About This Title CORBA 3 Fundamentals and Programming, 2nd Edition


Introducing CORBA and the OMA.

Technical Overview.

Introducing OMG IDL.

Understanding the ORB, Part 1: Client Side.

Understanding the ORB, Part 2: Object Implementation (Server) Side, Including the CORBA Component Model.

Architecting and Programming for CORBA Interoperability.

Language Mappings, Part 1: C++.

Language Mappings, Part 2: Java.

Language Mappings, Part 3: COBOL

Designing with CORBAservices and CORBAfacilities.

CORBAservices, Part 1: Naming and Trader Services.

CORBAservices, Part 2: Event and Notification Services.

CORBAservices, Part 3: Transaction and Concurrency Services.

CORBRservices, Part 4: Security and Licensing Services.

CORBAservices, Part 5: Introduction to the Other CORBAservices and the COBRAfacilities.

CORBAservices, Part 6: LifeCycle and Relationship Services.

CORBAservices, Part 7: Persistent State and Externalization Services.

CORBAservices, Part 8: Property and Query Services.

Introducing the CORBA Domains.

Some CORBAdomain Specifications.

Modeling CORBA Applications with UML.

Implementing Metamodels and Repositories Using the MOF.

The Tutorial Example: Overview and Scenario.

The Tutorial Example: Analysis and Design.

ORB Product Descriptions.

Coding and Compiling the IDL.

The Depot.

Depot Implementation in Java.

Depot: Overview and COBOL Language Coding.

The Store.

Coding the Store in Java.

Store: COBOL Coding.

Programming the POSTerminal in C++.

Coding the POS in Java.

POS: COBOL Coding.

Running the Example.


About the Web Site.

What's on the CD-ROM?



"For CORBA 3, the choice has to go to Siegel" (UNIX NT, January 2001)