Gaining Control: Capacity Management and Scheduling, Second Edition
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More About This Title Gaining Control: Capacity Management and Scheduling, Second Edition


JAMES G. CORRELL is a principal and Chairman of the Board of Oliver Wight, LLC. As an educator and consultant, he has helped numerous manufacturers significantly improve their company service levels, reduce costs, and shorten lead times using the technology and business processes described in this book. He is a certified Fellow with APICS and is a frequent speaker with APICS and other organizations.

NORRIS W. EDSON is a principal of Oliver Wight, LLC, specializing in MRP II, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Lean Manufacturing. He is a certified Fellow with APICS and is a frequent speaker with APICS and other organizations.


Out of Control.

Constructing Routings and Work Centers.

Mastering Dispatching and Scheduling.

Understanding Capacity Planning.

Controlling the Flow of Work.

Scheduling to Capacity Constraints.

Applying Rough-Cut Capacity Planning.

Joining Forces.

Continuous Improvement.

Moving Ahead.

