Designer's Guide to Postscript Text, Revised Edition
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- Wiley
More About This Title Designer's Guide to Postscript Text, Revised Edition
- English
JEAN CALLAN KING, a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design, has worked as a book designer, graphic artist, and illustrator for twenty-five years, and has taught design and book production at Parsons School of Design. Co-author with Tony Esposito of PostScript Typeface Library, (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993) she currently continues both her graphic design work and also designs residential interiors. TONY ESPOSITO owns The Graphic Discipline, a graphic design company on Long Island and is the Director of Communications at Cardinal Communications Group, Inc., in New York City. Tony has more than thirty years experience in the graphic arts industry, and has worked for Ogilvy & Mather, NY, as Art Director, Director of Typography; and at Volk & Huxley, Inc. as Vice President, Director of Typography. He is the author of Merganthaler VIP Typeface Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold, in 1979) and The Cardinal Type Photo Display Manual (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982). He is also a contributing author to the Direct Marketing Handbook by Edward L. Nash (McGraw-Hill, 1984) and co-author, with Jean Callan King, of PostScript Typeface Library (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993).