Study Guide to accompany Managerial Accounting, 2e
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  • Wiley

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Work more effectively and gauge your progress along the way!  This Study Guide that is designed to accompany Jiambalvo’s Managerial Accounting, 2nd Edition will enhance student understanding of chapter material and improve student ability to solve homework assignments. In addition to a comprehensive review and reading tips, each chapter offers students the opportunity to practice their understanding of course concepts with true-false and multiple-choice questions, exercises, and cases. Solutions are provided for all practice materials.

In a clear and concise manner, Jiambalvo’s Managerial Accounting, 2nd Edition drives home the fundamental ideas of managerial accounting, recognizing that most students will become managers, not accountants. The content focuses on decision-making and motivates students to learn managerial accounting by connecting concepts and techniques to the real world. Students and instructors alike have praised this text’s clear and concise writing style.  The discussions are to the point, ideas are illustrated, and examples are presented to make the ideas concrete.
