Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Fifth Edition
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- Wiley
More About This Title Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Fifth Edition
- English
From recent developments in digital image processing to the next generation of satellite systems, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of remote sensing and image interpretation. This book is discipline neutral, so readers in any field of study can gain a clear understanding of these systems and their virtually unlimited applications.
* The authors underscore close interactions among the related areas of remote sensing, GIS, GPS, digital image processing, and environmental modeling.
* Appendices include material on sources of remote sensing data and information, remote sensing periodicals, online glossaries, and online tutorials.
* The authors underscore close interactions among the related areas of remote sensing, GIS, GPS, digital image processing, and environmental modeling.
* Appendices include material on sources of remote sensing data and information, remote sensing periodicals, online glossaries, and online tutorials.
- English
Concepts and Foundations of Remote Sensing
Elements of Photographic Systems
Basic Principles of Photogrammetry
Introduction to Visual Image Interpretation
Multispectral, Thermal, and Hyperspectral Sensing
Earth Resource Satellites Operating in the Optical Spectrum
Digital Image Processing
Microwave and Lidar Sensing
Appendix A: Radiometric Concepts, Terminology, and UnitsAppendix B: Remote Sensing Data and Information ResourcesAppendix C: Sample Coordinate Transformation and Resampling Procedures
- English
"As a reference book for those using remote sensing, it is invaluable and I have yet to find a book that can teach me more." (Journal Of Sedimentary Research, June 2007)