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More About This Title Nuclear and Particle Physics - An Introduction
- English
Professor Martin is a highly respected academic in his field and has already co-authored a successful book for Wiley (Particle Physics 2/E) that is part of the Manchester Physics Series. He has recently stepped down as Head of Department at UCL after 10 years in the post.
- English
Physical Constants and Conversion Factors.
1 Basic Concepts.
1.1 History.
1.2 Relativity and antiparticles.
1.3 Symmetries and conservation laws.
1.4 Interactions and Feynman diagrams.
1.5 Particle exchange: forces and potentials.
1.6 Observable quantities: cross sections and decay rates.
1.7 Units: length, mass and energy.
2 Nuclear Phenomenology.
2.1 Mass spectroscopy and binding energies.
2.2 Nuclear shapes and sizes.
2.3 Nuclear instability.
2.4 Radioactive decay.
2.5 Semi-empirical mass formula: the liquid drop model.
2.6 β-decay phenomenology.
2.8 α-decays.
2.9 Nuclear reactions.
3 Particle Phenomenology.
3.1 Leptons.
3.2 Quarks.
3.3 Hadrons.
4 Experimental Methods.
4.1 Overview 111
4.2 Accelerators and beams 113
4.3 Particle interactions with matter.
4.4 Particle detectors.
4.5 Layered detectors.
5 Quark Dynamics: the Strong Interaction.
5.1 Colour.
5.2 Quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
5.3 Heavy quark bound states.
5.4 The strong coupling constant and asymptotic freedom.
5.5 Jets and gluons.
5.6 Colour counting.
5.7 Deep inelastic scattering and nucleon structure.
6 Electroweak Interactions.
6.1 Charged and neutral currents.
6.2 Symmetries of the weak interaction.
6.3 Spin structure of the weak interactions.
6.4 W<sup>+_</sup> and Z<sup>0</sup> bosons.
6.5 Weak interactions of hadrons.
6.6 Neutral meson decays.
6.7 Neutral currents and the unified theory.
7 Models and Theories of Nuclear Physics.
7.1 The nucleon – nucleon potential.
7.2 Fermi gas model.
7.3 Shell model.
7.4 Non-spherical nuclei.
7.5 Summary of nuclear structure models.
7.6 α-decay.
7.7 β-decay.
7.8 γ-emission and internal conversion.
8 Applications of Nuclear Physics.
8.1 Fission.
8.2 Fusion.
8.3 Biomedical applications.
9 Outstanding Questions and Future Prospects.
9.1 Particle physics.
9.2 Nuclear physics.
Appendix A: Some Results in Quantum Mechanics.
A.1 Barrier penetration.
A.2 Density of states.
A.3 Perturbation theory and the Second Golden Rule.
Appendix B: Relativistic Kinematics.
B.1 Lorentz transformations and four-vectors.
B.2 Frames of reference.
B.3 Invariants.
Appendix C: Rutherford Scattering.
C.1 Classical physics.
C.2 Quantum mechanics.
Appendix D: Solutions to Problems.
- English