Distributed Open Systems Engineering: How to Planand Develop Client/Server Systems
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- Wiley
More About This Title Distributed Open Systems Engineering: How to Planand Develop Client/Server Systems
- English
WENDY B. RAUCH is President of Emerging Technologies Group, Inc., a consulting firm that helps users and vendors plan, position, determine the costs of, and evaluate the new technologies used in open systems. She has more than ten years of consulting experience in open, distributed systems. Ms. Rauch is a former computer programmer in the electronics industry, writer for the trade press, and participant in multiple standards groups defining open systems. She holds master's degrees in computer science and biochemistry.
- English
Phase One: Business-Oriented Tasks.
Phase Two: Application Expert Tasks.
Phase Three: Develop an Architectural Model.
Phase Four: Infrastructure Planning Tasks.
Phase Five: Standards Selection and Prioritization.
Phase Six: Develop Implementable Profiles.
Phase Seven: Planning for Deployment.
Managing the Open Client/Server Systems.
Phase Eight: Migration Strategies.
How Much Will It Cost?
Implementation at Last.
For Further Reference.