CORBA Fundamentals and Programming
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  • Wiley

More About This Title CORBA Fundamentals and Programming


JON SIEGEL, PhD, is Director of Domain Technology at the OMG where he chairs the Domain Technology Committee which sets OMG specifications for vertical markets. He is a frequent speaker about the OMG at conferences and symposia around the world, and works closely with international standards groups, industry consortia, and the end-user community to promote the use of OMG specifications as industry standards.

Contributors include: Dan Frantz, PhD, Digital Equipment Corporation; Hal Mirsky, Expersoft Corporation; Raghu Hudli, PhD, IBM Corporation; Alex Thomas and Wilf Coles, ICL; Peter de Jong, PhD, Alan Klein, and Brent Wilkins, Hewlett-Packard, Inc.; Sean Baker, PhD, IONA Corporation; Maurice Balick, SunSoft, Inc.


Partial table of contents:

Introducing CORBA.

Technical Overview.

Introducing OMG IDL.

CORBA Interoperability.

Language Mappings 1: C. Language Mappings 2: C++.

The CORBAFacililties.

The Tutorial Example: Overview and Scenario.

ORB Products: C Language Mapping.

ORB Products: C++ Language Mapping.

Coding and Compiling the IDL.

Coding the Depot: Overview and C Language Coding.

Coding the Depot in C++.

Coding the Store in C. Coding the Store in C++.

Coding the POS in C. Coding the POS in Smalltalk.

Running the Example.


