What's the Difference Between Lenses and Prismsand Other Scientific Things?
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More About This Title What's the Difference Between Lenses and Prismsand Other Scientific Things?


GARY SOUCIE is a freelance writer who has written hundreds of magazine articles on science and nature. He was executive editor of Audubon magazine for many years.


Partial table of contents:


What's the Difference Between Arithmetic and Mathematics?

What's the Difference Between Analog and Digital?

What's the Differece Between Cycles and Phases?

What's the Difference Between Liquids and Fluids?

What's the Difference Between Radiation and Radioactivity?

What's the Difference Between Sound and Noise?


What's the Difference Between Iron and Steel?

What's the Difference Between Oil and Gasoline?

What's the Difference Between Motors and Engines.

What's the Difference Between Cement and Concrete?

What's the Difference Between Batteries and Dry Cell?

What's the Difference Between Radar and Sonar?

