Object Orientation, Second Edition Concepts - Analysis and Design - Languages - Databases - Graphical User Interfaces - Standards
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More About This Title Object Orientation, Second Edition Concepts - Analysis and Design - Languages - Databases - Graphical User Interfaces - Standards


SETRAG KHOSHAFIAN, PhD, is Vice President of Advanced Information Systems Technology Development International. A recognized leader in database, groupware, and object technologies, he has designed and implemented several object-oriented and groupware products. His other books include Object-Oriented Databases; Introduction to Groupware, Workflow, and Workgroup Computing; Intelligent Offices; and A Guide to Developing Client/Server SQL Applications.

RAZMIK ABNOUS is a project leader and Principal Engineer at Documentum, Inc., where he designs and develops document management systems using object technology. He has been designing object-oriented client/server and database software systems for more than 15 years. He is also coauthor of Intelligent Offices.


Abstract Data Types.


Object Identity.

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.

Overview of Object-Oriented Languages.


Object-Oriented Databases.

User Interfaces.

Standards in Object Orientation.


