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More About This Title Managing Innovation 4e - IntegratingTechnological, Market and Organizational Change
- English
Preface to the Fourth Edition.
Acknowledgements .
How to use this book.
1. Innovation - what it is and why it matters.
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Why innovation matters.
1.3 Old question, new context.
1.4 What is innovation?
1.5 A process view of innovation.
Exploring different aspects of innovation.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
2. Innovation as a core business process.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Variations on a theme.
2.3 Evolving models of the process.
2.4 Can we manage innovation?
2.5 Learning to manage innovation - building and developing routines across the core process.
2.6 Measuring innovation success.
2.7 What do we know about successful innovation management?
2.8 Success routines in innovation management.
2.9 Beyond the steady state.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
3. Building the innovative organization.
3.1 Shared vision, leadership and the will to innovate.
3.2 Appropriate organization structure.
3.3 Key individuals.
3.4 High involvement in innovation.
3.5 Effective team working.
3.6 Creative climate.
3.7 Boundary spanning.
3.8 Beyond the steady state.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
4. Developing an innovation strategy.
4.1 ‘Rationalist’ or ‘incrementalist’ strategies for innovation?
4.2 The dynamic capabilities of firms.
4.3 Appropriating the benefits from innovation.
4.4 Technological trajectories.
4.5 Developing firm-specific competencies.
4.6 Globalization of innovation.
4.7 Enabling strategy making.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
5. Sources of innovation.
5.1 Where do innovations come from?
5.2 Knowledge push?
5.3 Need pull?
5.4 Whose needs?
5.5 Towards mass customization.
5.6 Users as innovators.
5.7 Extreme users.
5.8 Watching others.
5.9 Recombinant innovation.
5.10 Regulation.
5.11 Futures and forecasting.
5.12 Accidents.
5.13 A framework for looking at innovation source.
5.14 How to search.
5.15 Balancing exploitation and exploration.
5.16 Absorptive capacity.
5.17 Tools and mechanisms to enable search.
5.18 Two dimensions of innovation search.
5.19 A map of innovation search space.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
6. Innovation networks.
6.1 No man is an island?
6.2 The ‘spaghetti’ model of innovation.
6.3 Innovation networks.
6.4 Networks at the start-up.
6.5 Networks on the inside.
6.6 Networks on the outside.
6.7 Learning networks.
6.8 Networks into the unknown.
6.9 Managing innovation networks.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
7. Decision making under uncertainty.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Meeting the challenge of uncertainty.
7.3 The funnel of uncertainty.
7.4 Decision making for incremental innovation.
7.5 Building the business case.
7.6 Building coalitions.
7.7 Spreading the risk - building a portfolio.
7.8 Decision making at the edge.
7.9 Mapping the selection space.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
8. Building the innovation case.
8.1 Developing the business case.
8.2 Forecasting innovation.
8.3 Estimating the adoption of innovations.
8.4 Assessing risk, recognizing uncertainty.
8.5 Anticipating the resources.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
9. Creating new products and services.
9.1 Processes for new product development.
9.2 Influence of technology and markets on commercialization.
9.3 Differentiating products.
9.4 Building architectural products.
9.5 Commercializing technological products.
9.6 Implementing complex products.
9.7 Service innovation.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
10. Exploiting new ventures.
10.1 What is a venture?
10.2 Internal corporate venturing.
10.3 Joint venture and alliances.
10.4 Spin-outs and new ventures.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
11. Capturing the benefits of innovation.
11.1 Creating value through innovation.
11.2 Innovation and firm performance.
11.3 Exploiting knowledge and intellectual property.
11.4 Broader economic and social benefits.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.
12. Capturing learning from innovation.
12.1 What have we learned about managing innovation?
12.2 How can we continue to learn to manage innovation?
12.3 Learning to manage innovation.
12.4 Tools to help capture learning.
12.5 Innovation auditing.
12.6 Developing innovation management capability.
12.7 Using the framework.
12.8 Variations on a theme.
12.9 Final thoughts.
Summary and further reading.
Web links.