Wiley GAAP Codification Enhanced
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Barry J. Epstein is a partner with Chicago-based Russell Novak & Company, LLP, where he specializes in technical consultation on accounting and auditing matters and corporate governance, and serves as a consulting and testifying expert for various litigation matters.

Ralph Nach is a Vice President of AuditWatch, Inc., where he writes, teaches, and consults on a wide range of accounting, auditing, and financial reporting matters.

Steven M. Bragg has been the chief financial officer or controller of four companies, as well as a consulting manager at Ernst & Young. He is the author of more than thirty Wiley titles.


Codification Taxonomy.

1 Researching GAAP Matters.

2 Balance Sheet.

3 Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income.

4 Statement of Cash Flows.

5 Accounting Policies, Changes, and Restatements.

6 Fair Value.

7 Cash, Receivables, and Prepaid Expenses.

8 Short-Term Investments and Financial Instruments.

9 Inventory.

10 Revenue Recognition—Evolving Principles and Specialized Applications.

Revenue Recognition—General Principles.

Long-Term Construction Contracts.

Service Revenues.

Sales When Collection Is Uncertain.

Revenue Recognition When Right of Return Exists.

Profit Recognition on Real Estate Sales.

Real Estate Operations.

Franchising: Accounting by Franchisors.

Other Special Accounting and Reporting Issues.

11 Long-Lived Assets.

12 Long-Term Investments.

13 Business Combinations and Consolidated Financial Statements.

Appendix: Standards Applicable to Pre-2009 Business Combinations.

14 Current Liabilities and Contingencies.

15 Long-Term Liabilities.

16 Leases.

17 Income Taxes.

18 Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits.

19 Stockholders’ Equity.

Appendix A: Financial Statement Presentation.

20 Earnings Per Share.

Appendix: Comprehensive Example.

21 Interim Reporting.

22 Segment Reporting.

23 Foreign Currency.

Appendix: Accounts to Be Remeasured Using Historical Exchange.


24 Personal Financial Statements.

Appendix: Hypothetical Set of Personal Financial Statements.

25 Specialized Industry GAAP.

Banking and Thrift.


Cable Television.

Computer Software Developers.

Employee Benefit Plans, Including Pension Funds.

Finance Companies.

Government Contractors.


Investment Companies.

Mortgage Banking.

Motion Pictures.

Not-for-Profit Organizations.

Oil and Gas Producers.

Recording and Music.

Regulated Operations.

Title Plant.

Appendix A: Disclosure Checklist.

Appendix B: International vs. US Accounting Standards.

