Motivation in Work Organizations
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EDWARD E. LAWLER, a leading scholar and author in the area of organization effectiveness and design, is founder and director of the Center for Effective Organizations at University of Southern California where he is also professor of management and organization in the Graduate School of Business Administration. He has been honored by publications such as Business Week, Human Resource Executive, and Industry Week and is a top contributor to the fields of organization development, organizational behavior, and compensation. Lawler is the author or coauthor of more than twenty books including Organizing for the Future (with J. Galbraith, 1993), The Ultimate Advantage (1992), and Employee Involvement and Total Quality Management (1992), all from Jossey-Bass.


1. Motivated Behavior in Work Organizations
2. Drives, Needs, and Outcomes
3. Motivation and Behavior
4. Satisfaction and Behavior
5. The Decision to Work in an Organization
6. Extrinsic Rewards and Job Performance
7. Job Design and Job Performance
8. Interpersonal Influences
9. Overview: Motivation in Organizations


"A classic in providing fundamental knowledge about what is valid and useful in such areas as motivation, job design, pay systems, and interpersonal relations. —Chris Argyris, James Bryant Conant Professor of Education and Organizational Behavior, and author of Knowledge for Action

"With this book, Lawler defined, spearheaded, and made respectable a new and unusually important area of research and practice in the area of industrial and organizational psychology, namely, issues related to human motivation in work settings." —Marvin D. Dunnette, chairman and CEO, Personnel Decisions Research Institute

``I still carry a battered copy of the first edition of Lawler's well-deserved classic in my briefcase. It was a virtual classic on its publication twenty years ago and now it's a real time/space classic.'' —Dr. Warren Bennis, university professor and founding chairman of the Leadership Institute at USC and author of Beyond Bureaucracy
