The Bloomberg Way: A Guide for Reporters and Editors
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More About This Title The Bloomberg Way: A Guide for Reporters and Editors


MATTHEW WINKLER is Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg News. Prior to founding the newsorganization at Bloomberg LP, he was a reporter for the Wall Street Journal.


Introduction xi

Acknowledgments xix

Chapter1: The Bloomberg Way 1

Chapter2: Principles 3

Chapter3: The Five Fs 5

Chapter4: The Four- Paragraph Lead 7

Headlines 11

Leads 13

Size and Scope 18

Reinforcing the Lead 20

Quotations 21

Details 24

Nut Paragraphs 25

To Be Sure 27

Chapter5: Five Easy Pieces 29

Chapter6: Show, Don’t Tell 33

Characterizations 35

Assertions 37

Anecdotes 38

Chapter7: Writing Well Matters 41

Precision and Brevity 42

Jargon 46

Cliches 47

Word Echoes 48

Tense and Voice 49

Story Length 50

Chapter8: Headlines 51

Chapter9: Preparation 57

Collecting String 57

Top 10s 58

Curtain-Raisers 59

Templates 61

Chapter10: Covering News 65

Breaking News 66

News Releases 68

Rumor and Speculation 68

Media Summaries 70

Complete Coverage 71

Chapter11: Ethics 73

Fairness 74

Public Responsibilities 75

Endorsements 76

Plagiarism 77

Working for Bloomberg 77

Transparency 78

Covering Bloomberg 80

Accuracy 81

Corrections 83

Sending Corrections 84

Sourcing 85

Attribution 85

Anonymous Sources 86

Conduct 89

Libel 90

Red Flags 91

Avoiding Libel 92

Chapter12: Enterprise 95

Idea to Story 96

Preparing a Pitch 96

Types of Enterprise 99

Reporting 102

A Model of Reporting 104

Organizing the Story 106

The Rest of the Story 107

Chapter13: Chart of the Day 109

Chapter14: How We Work 113

Reporters 113

Interviewing 115

Accuracy 117

Editors 118

Editing Checklist 119

Team Leaders 120

Bureau Chiefs 122

Chapter15: Markets 125

How to Cover Markets 126

Four Pillars of Market Coverage 131

Writing Market Leads 133

Keeping Market Stories Fresh 134

Weekly Perspective 136

Technical Analysis 137

Functions for Markets 139

Stocks 140

Stock Market Leads 140

Themes for Stocks 142

Functions for Stocks 142

Bonds 143

Government Bonds 145

Themes for Government Bonds 145

Government Bond Leads 147

Corporate Bonds 148

Themes for Corporate Bonds 148

Swaps 149

Money Markets 151

Functions for Bonds 152

Currencies 153

Covering Currency Markets 154

Themes for Currencies 155

Functions for Currencies 157

Commodities 157

Themes for Commodities 159

Functions for Commodities 160

Chapter16: Companies 161

Market Perspective 162

Shares Up and Down 162

Debt 163

Credit- Default Swaps 164

Earnings 165

Mergers and Acquisitions 171

Valuation 173

Value Comparisons 175

Financing 177

Initial Public Offerings 178

Bond Sales 180

Repurchases and Dividends 181

Functions for Companies 182

Chapter17: Economies 185

Covering Economies 186

Functions for Economies 189

Chapter 18: Politics and Policy 191

Follow the Money 194

Financing Government 194

Opinion Polls 195

Chapter 19: People 199

Chapter20: Stories 203

Story Headlines 203

Style and Punctuation 205

Stand- Alone Headlines 206

Subheadlines 207

Trashlines 208

Datelines 209

Bylines 211

Links 213

Coding 214

Updates 216

Summaries 217

Fairness for Summaries 219

Voices 220

Sending to Newspapers 221

AV 223

Chapter21: Questions 225

Stock Activity 225

Equity and Debt Sales 227

Loans and Lines of Credit 228

Management Changes 228

Stock Buybacks 229

Dividend Payments 229

Interest and Principal Payments 230

Mergers and Acquisitions 230

Bankruptcies 231

Litigation 231

Regulation 232

Products and Services 232

Property, Plant and Equipment 233

Contracts and Agreements 234

Chapter22: Grammar 235

Agreement of Subject and Verb 235

Commas 236

Hyphens 237

Only 238

That 238

Which 239

Has and Have 239

Who and Whom 241

Chapter23: Words and Terms 243

Names 369
