Security Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA Security+ Skills, 2nd Ed
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Security Administrator Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA Security+ Skills, 2nd Ed


David R. Miller, Security+, CISSP, MCSE+ Security, is a network engineer and IT security and project management consultant. He has written numerous books, curricula, and training videos on topicssuch as network and wireless security, penetration testing, CISSP, and Security+. Michael Gregg, Security+, CISSP, CIW Security Analyst, is the President of Superior Solutions, Inc., an IT security consulting firm that performs security assessments and penetration testing for Fortune 1000 firms. He also holds numerous other certifications including MCT, CTT+, A+, Network+, and CEH, among others.


1. Phase 1: The Grunt Work of Security.

2. Phase 2: Hardening Systems.

3. Phase 3: Malicious Software.

4. Phase 4: Secure Storage.

5. Phase 5: Managing User Accounts.

6. Phase 6: Network Security.

7. Phase 7: Securing Internet Activity.

8. Phase 8: Security Testing.

9. Phase 9: Investigating Incidents.

10. Phase 10: Security Troubleshooting.
